(after saving there i couldnt upgrade to greater spire without it crashing and saving more times cause even more stuff to cause crashes.) please help me out and please dont explode so that i get flagged again.
I have never truely exploded. I was and still am a highly respected member of this community.
you will need to add it back in
I like spending more time trying to recreate the problems than fixing them...
Anyway the problem with the law smith is the requirement for the "village Hall Faction Choice". Something is wrong with that building that causes a game crash when resolving the requirements. To be more precise, something is wrong with the building it can upgrade into called "Town Hall good faction choice". Even more precise, something is wrong with the unit "Command Core faction choice". Still yet more precise, something is wrong with the unit "Vanguard from level 1 buildings".
To be exact, the problem is the unit "Vanguard from level 1 buildings". It is not a building yet you try to allow a building to upgrade into it. The WarCraft III game engine does not support this when it comes to resolving requirements and thus causes a game crash. If you change the unit "Command Core faction choice" to upgrade into something else (such as nothing or a unit that is a building and does not upgrade into something that cannot be resolved) you will see that the crash that occurs when resolving the requirements of "law blacksmith" disappears.
As a rough guess, any other crashes you are getting under the same conditions are a result of similar unresolvable requirements. To trace where the problem is you will need to find which building causes the crashes and then go up its upgrade path unit by unit. This can be done by testing each requirement separatly until the crash happens. Then you test each upgrade of that required unit separatly until the crash happens. Repeat up the chain until you reach the unit causing the crash.
Deleting and making a new copy of the unit will not make things magicly work. The crashes are caused by some requirement resolution problem due to the way the unit is configured. In the first case this was due to an equivelent dependiency. In law blacksmith case this was due to a building upgrading into a non-building.
it worked at the start and none of the values got changed. it was the same with the elven building that crashed the game.(i recreated the building an copied over the old values and it worked perfectly.) the data degradation problem was in the starcraft campaign editor as well without any changes done to the building.(
WarCraft III has no object editor degredation problems. The problems you are experiencing are game bugs caused by silly (as far as the game engine is concerned) values in object editor fields.