Since war3map.wtg did get parsed now I'm guessing common.j is in a different location on older patches.
You could try locating it and then moving it to the location that my tool expects.
The object data files probably have the same issue where one or more required files cannot be found, it just doesn't show the file it cannot find.
The required files are found here:
War3App/PathConstants.cs at master · Drake53/War3App
For example, to adapt war3map.w3a it requires the files "units\abilitydata.slk" and "units\abilitymetadata.slk".
The world editor can't open the map/triggers because the war3map.wtg file is incompatible. My tool only handles changing the format to an earlier version so older patches can read it, but this file also requires triggerdata.txt to be read. triggerdata.txt defines for every trigger event/condition/action how many parameters it should have and what type they should have, for example the wait action has a single parameter of type real, and display text has two parameters, the first is a player group, the second a string. On newer patches, new events, conditions, and actions have been added, but these are not defined in the triggerdata.txt of older patches, so the war3map.wtg file can't be read on the older patch even if the format version is made to be compatible (note that because triggerdata.txt is incompatible, my tool doesn't actually adapt the file, so it still has the new format version. if the file were adapted you'd get a different error in the world editor, you can try this by replacing the triggerdata.txt from 1.24 (don't forget to make a backup) with the one from 1.32 (found here: