Ok i have to say this! The hive is not doomed and the article was a very hilarious article indeed. However I read about a drunk who left the bar one day got into a cop car and drove home and took a nap an hour later cops showed up and said we're taking the car back and the drunk said how did you know i did it... they said the siren was still going off! That was one big idiot. Another idiot went to rob a gas station and held it up and left little did he know they showed up at his door a couple hours later and he said how did you find me and the cops showed him his own wallet with his license and all! Idiots at their finest i will tell you that! Idiot is defined as any one who is incompetent, thinks their better than any system, never knows what the hell they are doing, or most of them get in to a car and smash yours without cause. The biggest idiots in the whole world answer the common question, "Why did you do it??" with an "I Don't Know" and go to jail or end up dying by any number of methods of death. Suicide, Lethal injection, Death Row, Car Accident, Smoke Inhalation of a burning house because their a pot head, Shark Bites, Some go missing, Go crazy and kill others then themselves, or because they believe their elves and decide to try to fly off their own roof. However i really doubt they will give YOU a heart attack! I think i have said enough LOL (This book was ment to be funny)