First: i said farenheit 9/11 not the news. please read my posts.
Second: Key word:
Almost. Not all channels are. And on top of that dude, Shados, what are u talking about?! America isnt known for its government controling tv. if it did then why would all the news medias constantly be trashing the government? Thats what im talking about man, u have to think about these things. I've read online before about people get captured by ufos and taken galaxys away to their home planets were they lived for years for cryin out loud. you cant trust everything you read online and on political sites.
1. We have not taken oil! did you even read my post?! Besides that, how on earth would u know? its the Iraqys that have done most of the damage (yes ive talked to Iraq soldiers before, so its not like im just assuimng on this). When American caravans are going along on highways the Iraqs are the ones that start bombing them, blowing up their own roads! And no, it has NOT killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians. do you have ANY clue wat ur talking about? please give me a link to what site told you that, or tell me the name of the program or news network you saw that on. It has even directly killed tens of thousands of soldiers (i dont think, i could easily be wrong on that cause i havent looked it up so dont hold me to it).
2. Theres a difference between torture and interogation. We have INTEROGATED soldiers for information. three things, first its not always using torture, sometimes an interogation is painless. second, it ends when the soldier wants it to end. third, it is required for us to win a war. would u rather we just go into Iraq with no information at all? Torture however, is inflicting pain on someone for no reason at all, and it doesnt end until your captives say it does (which sometimes lasts months). On top of that, we dont have records of tortuing civilians, so ur just assuming. And on top of that, at least it wasnt thousands man! Sadam would just have his soldiers go into a village in the middle of the night, take a man up from his home without his family know, take him back to a prison and have someone hook a car battery up to the guy so he was getting powerful shocks!
3. no they did not. they never said "We know Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. heres the photos of it". wat they said was "we have a treaty with iraq to send our scientists there and search their science facilitys for weapons of mass destruction. they stopped our scientists from entering, we have to assume the worst. were now blind as to what their building in there". You can't deny that, it was all over the news man (and when every news channel reports the same thing , its usually correct).
4. Freedom fighters that come to foreign countries that have done NOTHING to them and kill thousands of innocents. Do you even remember 9/11?
5. rofl, no its not buddy. do u pay any attention to history? any at all? do u know how many iraqs were dieing because of the government? hundreds of thousands. The government stole their people's water, food, clothing and shelter. how is that not at all the same. thats just u realizing u dont have an answer so u try and insult my question.
6. Everything else hasnt borken down for one. Bush is building schools (no not the ones he supposedly destroyed), hes building hospitials (no not the ones he supposedly destroyed) and hes giving the people food and water. Get this, Bruce Willis (i assume u know who that is but i dont know Austrailian culture sooo) went over to Iraq once to morraly help the soldiers. Guess wat he found? when he went over their the Iraq people loved Bush, none of them were mad at the government like the news was reporting. On top of that the soldiers werent have a hard time either, apperantly Iraq isnt a "hellhole" like some would assume. Bruce Willis was so shocked at wat he saw when he got back to America he made a big deal of it. He said that wat were doing in Iraq really is a good thing, that the cities are better than ever etc. Now listen Shados, you said urself uve been to political rallys all your life. chances are they were anti-war rallies and such. if thats true then by now ur mind is so poisoned (please excuse the word, it is harsh but the only one i can think of) as to being anti-war that by now i dont think u can see the good in a war. i think u only see death and destruction. the Iraq people themselves are happy about this war! they're happy that fiannly they dont have to worry about their own government taking them away in the middle of the night. they dont have to worry about "will my family last much longer without food and water?"
And on top of all that, the government doesnt control the news. thats only true in countrys like Iraq and Iran. not in America man. if you watched the news i watch, youd know that the government doesnt control the news media.
However, i do agree with you that oil companys are causing the prices to go up for no reason, and yes they really are probably just raising prices due to supply and demand.
But Shados, seeing ur arguement here... how can u honestly belive it? everything u have said, every last thing! its all based on assumptions and half truths. nothing youve said is true! on top of that im worried about what you would do in that once scenario i came up with:
Brad, how on earth can u say the war in Iraq isnt justified?! Tell me this, in all honesty please, if you saw a big man beating 3 little kids with a baseball bat wat would u do? Ur big enough to over power that man and save the 3 little kids from pain and death, would u? Thats the decision George Bush was faced with. Now if you would let those 3 kids die at the hands of a cruel man with a bat, then i guess u wouldnt have gone to war with Iraq. But if you would go save those three children, how can u possibly say u wouldnt save thousands if not millions (i say millions because the Iraq government starved its people to death as well. they didnt just kill them, they took their money, their houses, their furniture, their food and their water) of lives when faced with the chance to.
im even more worried by how you think that isnt a proper example of what was going on in Iraq before we came over there.
Shados, dude if you want to continue this arguement then please, try and actually back up your facts. i dont care if you list your sources here, but at least try and have sources like i do. dont just come on here and list wild and random things like you've done all this research. if you had you'd know that everything you've said so far is pure bull.