How create a quest?

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Level 3
Dec 30, 2007
Do this with triggers

Events - Map Intilization
Actions -
Create quest
Create a REQUERD\OPTIONAL quest titeld YOU TITEL NAME With The Description YOUR DISCRIPTION HIRE using the icon path YOUR ICON PATH HIRE

Flash Quest Dialog button


Events -
a Unit enters Regon 001 <gen>
Actions -
Create quest
Create a REQUERD\OPTIONAL quest titeld YOU TITEL NAME With The Description YOUR DISCRIPTION HIRE using the icon path YOUR ICON PATH HIRE

Mark Quest DIscoverd
Mark (Lest Creaded Quest) Discoverd

Flash Quest Dialog button

---Not included Comment :If fial ---
If Hero Die
Mark Quest Fail
MArk ( Lest Creaded Quest ) Failded

---Not included Comment : If Compleate---
If Unit Wolf 001 <gen> Die
Mark Quest Complete
Mark ( Lest Creaded Quest ) Completed

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
For the killing part, you will need to count the units killed (deaths) by the player and check them via conditions. For a more profesional touch, remember to update the quest to show how many wolves remaining, as that is often a major thing left out in many of that type of quest which is so easily done.
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