Hero Champions League

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Level 5
Sep 14, 2004
Hi all!

I just uploaded an updated version of my "dota-like" map.
All suggestions, feedback, bug reports, complaints, general whining please send PM or answer here in this thread.

I am aware of most of the bugs but I still want you to report anything you see.

It's pretty hard testing this alone, since I'm using 56k dialup, so hosting game on bnet is pretty much impossible.

And running around in the map 1 player isn't really "testing". It's a 3v3,4v4 or 5v5 map.

Map Name: Hero Champions League
Creator: Johan 'Atlerik' Samuelsson (me)
Current State of Map: v3.6 (Alpha)

Map Features:

-32 Heroes to chose from.
-Well edited terrain.
-CPU Controlled heroes (for single playing).
-Few item recipes (always working on it).
-Should be played 3v3,4v4 or 5v5.

Miscellaneous Info:
Some of you might recognize this map, I uploaded it two years
ago here. I've added lots of things since then, its almost like a
new map.

Reason I'm making this map?:
I like playing DOTA Allstars so I wanted to make my own version
of it. (NOTE: This map is done from scratch of course.)

Why do I want you to download it?:
I need testers! As I wrote in the beginning..

Map and a screenshot is now attached to this post as well.


  • HCL3.6.w3x
    1.4 MB · Views: 80
  • mapoverview.jpg
    90.6 KB · Views: 97
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Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
I worry about the mods, Im always posting stupid crap like that ^
just do as they tell you

they expect you to add the map’s in-game description / author / stage / objectives / features / and a bunch of other stuff in a list

plus this post belongs in project recruitment, since you are recruiting testers

I downloaded your map, its very nice and almost completely custom, very nicely triggered computer AI, tons of grade A spells (I think I saw an edited version of one of mine), could use some more item recipes

and I would host it, but my internet provider will not let me

good luck
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