Im making a Dota style map whereim thinking aboutmaking a different type of goal. The first is in order to stop spawns and/or win the game you willhave to controll a point in 70 seconds. By controlling it that means that your hero or unit that you places on have to survive standing on for 70 seconds without dying. The only proplem is that the controller point is right in the middle of the enemy spawning. I made a trigger that checks if it is any units on the region when the timer expires but if any enemy units are on the point when the timer expires it vill count as the hero is still there. Can anyone give me the complete trigger to fix that plz? And all the varibels. And also how to make it that you will have to controll all the points at one time to win. Like in the last map in the tft campain. Just one last qestion. i dl a couple of spells on this site but they dont use the normaltriggers. I only use the world editor. It says that i must change some codes. Where are these codes. Help plz :roll: