To attach weapons you can either use action "Special Effect - create special effect on unit at (specify attachment point here)". While specifying an attachment point, type "hand, right" and then make another function and specify "hand, left".
Or you can create a dummy ability which does nothing, (Item Defense +1 for example - just change the Data - Defense to 0) and edit lines: Art - Target (Here's your model path) (you may place multiple target arts in that list), Art - Target Attachment Point 1 (Here you enter attachment points, for example "hand" "right" and "left" in the same list) (all attachment points specified in that list will have the very first top model in the Art - Target list attached to the points) (all the following Art - Target Attachment Point 2 2,3,4,5... for example, Art - Target Attachment Point specifies points for the second model listed in Art - Target list to be attached to them. And so on).
To add attachments as abilities you need to make triggers:
Unit - A unit acquires an item
If (Item-Type of (item being manipulated) Equal to Sword) Then do (Unit - Add ability Sword to (Hero manipulating item)
Unit - A unit loses an item
If (Item-Type of (item being manipulated) Equal to Sword) Then do (Unit - Remove ability Sword from (Hero manipulating item)