Hellscream's Party
By Taur and Ragingspeedhorn
By Taur and Ragingspeedhorn
From the title you must aldready know that this is actually a party map. Raging and I felt that wc3 was overdue for a good party map that wasn't just about clicking and pointing and that's why Hellscream's Party came around. In short, it's a collection of minigames which strive to be fun, require skill but not be too complicated.
Some of you may know it from the paired mapping contest where we recieved first place (hence the cool award icon <<--) for this map.
A cool and humorous starting cinematic
An excellent host options display (see in game)
11 minigames, all with a variety of skills and appealing to different types of gamers.
- Within those 11 there are:
- 2 race games (each requiring vastly different skills)
- 1 team game that forces you to work with player's you've been competeting against.
- 3 elimination games, where you pit yourself against your enemies to see who'll come out on top.
- and many more.
- Chaos mode, a mode that will make games more chaotic by decreasing cooldowns or changing factors in the game.
A comprehensive ranking system which awards points for coming at least above 5th, but gives you none when you come below that. This keeps the game competetive (1 bad game for first place can put everyone else back in it)
A professional multiboard that displays all the current stats.
Features coming soon
Hero skills, in certain games such as ninjas, and capture the flag, where we have multiple ideas, a list of 5 hero skills will be given. The player will then be able to choose 2 or 3 from the list, increasing the diversity of the game.
Abilitiy sets, somewhat different from hero skills, ability sets are different sets of abilities for each game. This means that each game with multiple ability sets will have a different set of abilities each time you play them. It's different from hero skills, because ability sets changes the gameplay of a certain game. E.g. with a few more offensive skills in one set, Ninjas can become much more about offense and less about dodging and sneaki-ness. This makes each game unique.
Multiple cinematics, basically there will be a set of different cinematics and a random one will be shown. This I think is a great idea to stop people from getting bored by the intro cinematic after the 1st time they've seen it.
Boss game, soon players will be able to actually kill Uther in the final boss game. Ideas for the boss game are kind of sketchy so feel free to offer your own.
Save/Load codes (inspired by soul chess), basically after each game you will be given a code that you can load in the next game. This code will keep track of the number of games you've played and assign you a number of points based on the amount of games you've done well in and the average 'level' of your opponents. This is a great way to keep minigames more competetive.
This is a fairly stable release, I've worked out most of the bugs and tested thoroughly. Just try and read the desciptions for each game. If you have any ideas, suggestions or bugs, please post. Ideas for minigames are especially appreciated
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