Hawkwing's Terrain Showcase

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Some are new, some are old. Some are good, some are bad. But these are the terrains I've made over the year. I'll make more soon when I get my terraining mojo back.


1. The swampy woods south of the Elven border. One of my first UTM terrains.

2. An ancient ruined temple in northern Dragonblight. No imports.

3. A sinister king reigns over the kingdom with an iron fist. His vast citadel lies just beyond this canyon. First time using B2M's High Res stuff.

4. An underground passage into the Goblin's hovel.

5. The entrance into the Shrine of the Golden Cobra. The ancient tomb contains treasures beyond any mans imagination, but also the most cruel punishments. Made on the same map as all 3 SOTGK terrains.

6. Dalaran Shaft. Cooked it up in 10 mins, could've been a lot better. ;P

7. The dark horrors await down the hallways of the Shrine of the Golden Cobra. Made on the same map as all 3 SOTGC terrains.

8. This gate is all that separates man from treasures beyond belief. But the terrors inside are even greater. Made on the same map as all 3 SOTGC terrains.

9. Undiscovered terrain awaits our heroes. The vast mountain contains dangers never seen by man. Shown with and without units.

10. Orcish defensive border to the Icecrown Glacier.

11. The Hand Of Gul'Dan. A massive volcano in the heart of the Shadowmoon Valley.
More to come! Keep a look out.


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1.The sky doesn't fith make green water.
2.Hmm i simple dont like this kinda of terrain
3.Interesting but why red fog?
4.My best
5.If outside is moon the it looks ok if it is soon then it is not ok becous u need to add sun flare
6.Very interesting u could make it even look like it is in space but this is good
7.I like this one
8.I dont like that u have added those nagas with orbs they ruin the picture
9.Simple but good
10.I dont like the end of the world but it is ok!
11.This is imba the sky is the best!

For all this +rep
1.The sky doesn't fith make green water.
2.Hmm i simple dont like this kinda of terrain
3.Interesting but why red fog?
4.My best
5.If outside is moon the it looks ok if it is soon then it is not ok becous u need to add sun flare
6.Very interesting u could make it even look like it is in space but this is good
7.I like this one
8.I dont like that u have added those nagas with orbs they ruin the picture
9.Simple but good
10.I dont like the end of the world but it is ok!
11.This is imba the sky is the best!

For all this +rep

1. Good point ;P

2. I don't really either. But this was like my third terrain, so don't expect much from it.

3. The red fog is supposed to represent the sinister rule over the land.

4. :D

5. Moonlight leaks in through the ceiling in the hallway, but it's mostly for ambience.

6. Not one of my favourites, but it was fun.

7. :D, again.

8. D:

9. Ya, one of my newer ones. Not much you can do with a mountain like this, and I was going for a very open styled area.

10. Well, it's not actually the end of the world. It just looks that way, but okay.

11. It was my Terraining Contest #2 submission. It didn't do so good, but there were a lot of submissions.




I would kill for these Terrains must have.................................................................................................................................
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