[General] Has anyone else experienced this frustrating bug

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Level 5
Aug 18, 2013
I was making a cinematic.

In the cinematic footmen would attack Arthas.


But I did something today and now the cinematic doesn't work anymore in the latest version. It was after I changed the owner of the Arthas unit to pink.

And now footmen walk through him, the arrows fly through him. I tried changing him back to Brown. But it still happens. It's like this arthas unit is permanently glitched.

If I use the same triggers in an older version they work perfectly. But in the most recent version it's like this unit doesn't even exist anymore.
Level 5
Aug 18, 2013
Did you try deleting the unit and adding it again? Do you have a lot of array variables or a lot of actions in an initialization trigger?

Yes making a new unit helped. But it made too complicated replacing all the triggers.

No I wasn't using array variables or lots of actions in an intiliazation trigger.

I managed to fix it by REPLACING the unit with a similar unit in triggers. and giving that new unit a variable instead of using the original unit.

I don't know what happened to the original unit. Because when I copied and pasted all the triggers I was using in an earlier version of the map it worked. In the present version I accidently moved it at one point as well and I pressed undo and I also changed the player owner. Maybe that caused the problem.
I'm sorry, but it's hard to help you like this.

For experienced coders, the description of the problem you provided basicly boils down to:

"I have no idea what I did, but this something I did has now broken something else I don't understand."

Without the context, we can't help you. Post triggers.
Level 12
May 22, 2015
If the frustrating bug you mean is when you accidentally break something else unexpectedly while working on something pretty much completely unrelated (until you figure it out), then yes, I think everyone probably has lol.

As for swapping a unit breaking all the triggers, try saving the unit into a variable at map initalization. If you plan to use a unit in many spots (or even just more than one spot), this is good practice. You want to be able to swap that unit out just in case. I had a similar issue from some ancient code I wrote and I wanted to change the specific unit to a hero (it was not originally, and you cannot change a basic unit into a hero) so I had to update something like 8 triggers. I took the time to set it up with a variable, so future changes can be just 1 trigger update.
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