Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2012/Feb/18 16:13:36
Work in progress maps are not allowed in the maps section. Only BETA (Playable) and full versions.
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: This is indeed too early in development and lacks a lot of things, mostly the terrain is too bland, not a lot of heroes, the camera is not panned to the hero selector and the chosen hero, etc.
This should at least be in Beta.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Date: 2012/Feb/18 16:13:36
Work in progress maps are not allowed in the maps section. Only BETA (Playable) and full versions.
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: This is indeed too early in development and lacks a lot of things, mostly the terrain is too bland, not a lot of heroes, the camera is not panned to the hero selector and the chosen hero, etc.
This should at least be in Beta.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules