If you want no one to control the zeppelins, and want players to 'board' and 'unboard' at specific locations, then what you need to do is set in your flight triggers - yah know 'unit enters X region, with the condition of being 'unit type zeppelin' have the Zep pause or wait at that region for say 30 seconds or a minute.
Units who wish to board stand on the boarding platform - the trick is that they are not actually loaded on the zep. What really happens is you hide the player's units. It would be a region, say a fenced off bit of land with a single opening. Thus you would want to pick all units in Platform Region, hide picked unit. Might also want to add the unit to a variable unit group 'Zep_Travelers'.
The Zep takes off and goes to its next station where your players units are 'unloaded'. Actually what really happens is that they are moved instantly to the new location and are unhidden. You would pick all units in 'Zep_Travelers' move picked unit instantly to the new location, unhide picked unit and maybe select picked unit for the player.
If you have more than one location that the zep goes to you might consider having a dialog where the buttons are the locations that the zep stops at. The player's unit enters the 'station' and the dialog is shown for that player. S/he picks Y station the the zep goes on its way, when it reaches Y station the units 'magically' appear.
If this is a RPG type game, one player one character then you might want to use "Camera - Lock camera target for Player (who ever is using the zep) to Zeppelin, offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation" this way the player gets to follow the zep visually.
This most likely will require more than one trigger, it all depends on what you want to do and how you what to do it.
A two point zepplin 'shuttle' would require two triggers to send it back and forth - the 'unit enters region' as event and the condition being your zepplin. You will want to wait - maybe stop the zepplin and change its flying height -lowering it by say 150 (or where the gondola is at ground level) then have a respectable wait, then unload and unhide all units in your unit group 'Zep_Travelers'. Maybe add 'order picked unit to move to point' as the center of some region outside of your boarding zone (a wee bit more realistic) or just unload passengers to that region with a boarding region that waiting player units are standing.
A three or more station travel with dialog will require a trigger for each station along the way (thus three or more triggers), it would also require the creation of a dialog (with a button for each station) and would require a button selection trigger. Perhaps the best method is to hide the unit and move the unit instantly to the destination station as a hidden unit. Then add 'pick all units in region' (the region being the one where the unit is waiting hiding) and 'unhide' the picked unit when the zeppelin 'lands'.
Additional triggering might be needed if you want the players camera to lock on to the zep for an RPG type deal.
A simpler no dialog method might be to have lines or 'rows' where units stand and wait - each row or line is its own region, and instead of the player picking from a dialog the player leaves their unit in that particular line. You pick all the units by their region and send them hidden to the station they want off at. The zeppelin 'landing' or arriving at each station along the way picks all units in the unloading region and unhides them.
Maybe have additional triggers that send a message to the player when their unit walks into the boarding region 'this line/area's destination is _______' (fill in the blank).
In this instance the Zeppelin is 'owned' by neutral passive and is made invulnerable (to prevent accidentally shooting it down). It has is 'programed' flight path, potentially landing and take off sequence. No player controls it, and no loading and unloading of units. In theory the zep would have a limitless carrying capacity (unlike load/unload).
Ta da.
(for my next trick I'll pull a hat out of a rabbit!)