The functions. If you know them, perhaps you hate them. If you dont' know them, perhaps you want to know what kind of things are.
We’ll start from triggers. Triggers have three things: Events, Conditions and actions. If you don’t know triggers you don’t know anything (Search for one tutorial).
Do the triggers look difficult? If you think it’s difficult, (Search for more tutorial) you haven’t seen this thing: FUNCTIONS.
Look up in the trigger editor, you should see two buttons: “Enabled” and “Initially on”.
Now here it comes:
You should have maps like Worm War or Azeroth Grand Prix (If you don’t have you haven’t got anything, download them now, please). Perhaps you make yourself one question: This map is great! But, how could I do cars move with arrow keys or Worm Head don’t stop? They work with functions.
Open and look for a time, you should find some funny triggers.
Do you understand it?
1st thing: Buttons “Enabled” and “Initially on” are changed.
2nd thing: Letters! They are made from letters!
3rd thing: They can’t be done, there’s no button to create functions.
Here is my question. What are functions? Secret codes? Another programs? Another kind of triggers?
I had done some experiments, but functions are very weak. You write one letter in one place and you can destroy the function at all.
I want to do some things, and the triggers can’t do them. Only the functions can.
If we don’t know how to manipulate functions, we don’t know anything, friends.
I hope somebody know all this things about functions, because I need to know them, and I think that a lot of people wants to know too.
If you know something about these, tell me, please. Any kind of information is valid.
We’ll start from triggers. Triggers have three things: Events, Conditions and actions. If you don’t know triggers you don’t know anything (Search for one tutorial).
Do the triggers look difficult? If you think it’s difficult, (Search for more tutorial) you haven’t seen this thing: FUNCTIONS.
Look up in the trigger editor, you should see two buttons: “Enabled” and “Initially on”.
Now here it comes:
You should have maps like Worm War or Azeroth Grand Prix (If you don’t have you haven’t got anything, download them now, please). Perhaps you make yourself one question: This map is great! But, how could I do cars move with arrow keys or Worm Head don’t stop? They work with functions.
Open and look for a time, you should find some funny triggers.
Do you understand it?
1st thing: Buttons “Enabled” and “Initially on” are changed.
2nd thing: Letters! They are made from letters!
3rd thing: They can’t be done, there’s no button to create functions.
Here is my question. What are functions? Secret codes? Another programs? Another kind of triggers?
I had done some experiments, but functions are very weak. You write one letter in one place and you can destroy the function at all.
I want to do some things, and the triggers can’t do them. Only the functions can.
If we don’t know how to manipulate functions, we don’t know anything, friends.
I hope somebody know all this things about functions, because I need to know them, and I think that a lot of people wants to know too.
If you know something about these, tell me, please. Any kind of information is valid.