Just a funny idea when I played Diablo II Ressurected and inspired by Mephisto model to create this model,you can call this model with different name Mephisto,Undead Warlord or Frost-bound Skeletor...Or you can use this model as a raid boss or something.
20/11/2021: Upload Frosty Fiend model and icon
21/11/2021: Upload Fiery and Fel Fiend model+ icon. Update Frosty Fiend Icon
If you use:
Frosty Fiend model, please download FrostyFiendHeadFrost.pkb
Fiery Fiend model,please download FieryFiendHeadFire.pkb
FelBallMissile.rar just an optional missile for Fel Fiend if you want this model has range attack- FelBallMissile is a recolor of HeroArchMage missile from red to green
How to import: Just import everything(model,texture,popcorn) to your map and remove "war3mapimported"
Please download popcornfx emitter in comment section