Frosty,Fiery and Fel Fiend Reforged

Just a funny idea when I played Diablo II Ressurected and inspired by Mephisto model to create this model,you can call this model with different name Mephisto,Undead Warlord or Frost-bound Skeletor...Or you can use this model as a raid boss or something.

20/11/2021: Upload Frosty Fiend model and icon
21/11/2021: Upload Fiery and Fel Fiend model+ icon. Update Frosty Fiend Icon

If you use:
Frosty Fiend model, please download FrostyFiendHeadFrost.pkb
Fiery Fiend model,please download FieryFiendHeadFire.pkb
just an optional missile for Fel Fiend if you want this model has range attack- FelBallMissile is a recolor of HeroArchMage missile from red to green

How to import: Just import everything(model,texture,popcorn) to your map and remove "war3mapimported"

Please download popcornfx emitter in comment section

Fel Fiend Icon (Icon)

Fel Fiend Reforged (Model)

Fiery Fiend Icon (Icon)

Fiery Fiend Reforged (Model)

Frosty Fiend Icon (Icon)

Frosty Fiend Reforged (Model)

Approved. What an amazing model(s)! Well, everything works as intended. Also, damn, this is actually a firelord anim-bone base, very good transformation.