I've been working on making an omnislash for hours now... i've been taking my time trying to understand the natives and what not and not just simply copy-paste... now i'm really upset because it's not working! I have an idea of what it is, it might be because i got the spell id, but i do not know how much to put in, because the first thing it says is 'A000' however after that there's a string like it comes out to be "A000:AEim" now which is the spell id. my code is shown below...
thanks. (i'm really flustered/annoyed )
function Slash_Condition takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000' //Compares the ability id of the ability being cast to the ability id of our Slash spell.
function slash_actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit caster= GetSpellAbilityUnit()
local location temp_loc
local unit temp
local location casterlocation= GetUnitLoc(caster)
local group enemies=CreateGroup()
local integer count=5
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(enemies, casterlocation, 500.00, null)
set temp= FirstOfGroup(enemies)
if IsUnitEnemy(temp, GetOwningPlayer(caster)) then
exitwhen count==0
set temp_loc= GetUnitLoc(temp)
//call AddSpecialEffectLoc(Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkCaster.mdl, casterlocation)
call SetUnitPositionLoc(caster, temp_loc)
//call AddSpecialEffectLoc(Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkCaster.mdl, temp_loc)
call UnitDamageTarget(caster, temp, 50.00, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_SLICE)
set count= count - 1
set caster=null
set temp_loc=null
set temp=null
set casterlocation=null
set enemies=null
function InitTrig_settingupslash takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger gg_trg_slash= CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_slash, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_slash, Condition(function Slash_Condition))
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_slash, function slash_actions)
thanks. (i'm really flustered/annoyed )