Hi, I just recently decided a map I'm working on would benefit from some JASS(lots of "Points"! )
Perhaps some JASS guru could educate me on why the following function throws 4 or more "Expected 'endloop'" errors.
I'm used to Javascript, and I must say....JASS is REALLY structured. Makes it difficult to learn without reading tutorials.
Although I plan to move away from locations, I need to know why the loop isn't ending despite there being an 'endloop'.
Perhaps some JASS guru could educate me on why the following function throws 4 or more "Expected 'endloop'" errors.
I'm used to Javascript, and I must say....JASS is REALLY structured. Makes it difficult to learn without reading tutorials.
function Trig_Generate_Points_New_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
// Free Locations
call RemoveLocation(udg_PointIndex[udg_PointCount])
set udg_PointCount = udg_PointCount-1
exitwhen udg_PointCount == 0
// Reset Tile Count
set udg_TileCount = 0
// Allocate Local Values
local integer RandomValue
local integer NumLoops = 0
local integer PosX
local integer PosY
Although I plan to move away from locations, I need to know why the loop isn't ending despite there being an 'endloop'.