Well, there are some great models by Kitabatake that re wasting because of lack of other Final Fantasy 7 models, so I decided to give it a shot and I tried to make model of regular soldier. Of course I dont even compare this to Kitabatake work, but at least Cloud and Sephiroth has to fight someone now
http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/2126/soldierorgho0.jpg here is original Final Fantasy 7 model I tried to make.
Skin is 100% freehand, so it may not be the best quality, as I'm not very good artist. Model based on marine, but veeeery badly changed. Viewer may show some animations screwed, because I edited every animation - the way marine hold his big gun in hands didnt fit for this small SMG. So please test in game before u comment. Pads may not fit perfect, but its unnoticeable in game. Its final version, thats why I uploaded it, but if u give me some ideas how I can make it better, feel free to share them and I will update model. If u comment, please also mention if there is point for me to make other Final Fantasy 7 models, or I suck hard and should go to hell. Enjoy x)
-worked on texture
-fixed pads, they fit much more to body now
-optimised model, so model file's size decreased from 79.3 KB to 55.8 KB (unpacked)
-helmet points more forward now
http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/3508/models5648screenshotww1.jpg - here u can take a look how old version was looking like
Update forced on me ;<
-texture of boots, skin fixed
-made more metalic shine to helmet and pads
-added Cinematic animation that represents stand at attention, just like soldiers in ff7... to use it just apply it via trigger "play unit animation" and pause it, here is how it looks:
Changed shape and UV Map of helmet, so there is not yellow thing over his face, in place where it shouldn't be. Here is screenshot of v1.2 - u can compare:
-optimised model and lowered its filesize from 145 KB to 75 KB
-custom fire texture changed to ingame fire texture - looks cooler, and its 1 file less for you to import
Final Fantasy, 7, Shinra, Soldier, Cloud, Sephiroth, naruto