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Favorite band?

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What's your favorite band and why? Explain something about the band, genre etc. If you have no favorite band or don't even like music, then why aswell? :p

My favorite band is White Zombie, why? Well because of the "groove" which there is in many of their songs. I have yet to find anyone sounding similar.

The lyrics though is nothing spectacular but fits the music and is not bad or anything, just not the most important thing. The band plays a sort of hybrid between metal, rock, punk, funk and electronica. They started somewhere in the late 80's if my memory serves me right and splitted up in 95 I belive. Released alot of albums though only 3 of them on a major label (Geffen Records).
Level 24
Mar 29, 2004
It's got to be Ultravox.

"Love's Great Adventure" is too good a tune to miss, and backed up by such an epic cult synth song as "Vienna", they're unstoppable. And then there's "One Small Day", "The Voice", "Reap the Wild Wind", "Passing Strangers", "White China", "Astradyne", "Dancing With Tears in My Eyes"... And more. The music is just... Perfect.

Anyway, they were around in the early 80s (in their best incarnation, anyway); about 1980 to 1984/5. At least five albums in that time, four of which are absolutely stonkin' and one of which I have not heard.

They're kinda genre-busting. It's definitely synth-orientated, but there's plenty of electric guitars too and quite a rocky tinge to a lot of their stuff.
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
I tend to like all genres of music except country. My favorite band though, would have to be Rackets & Drapes, a not very well known band. I've never really heard any other band that sounds quite like them. They have a sort of mysterious, yet creepy feel to them as well.

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Bah, my favourite band, right now (as it is constantly changing since I like to much music) would probably have to be Queens of the Stone Age, or Children of Bodom. I mean i've liked them both for ages, and they're great, along with the thousand something other bands that I like. Queens of the Stone Age I like because of the great drumming, overdubbing and the great riffs. Vocals and lyrics are good too. Children of Bodom I like because they're crazy fast, excellent guitar, drumming and absolutely phenominal keyboard work. My favourite Queens of the Stone Age song is probably Go With The Flow, while my favourite Children of Bodom song is right now Downfall, but up until recently it was Kissing the Shadows. Bed of Razors anf Warheart are also great songs by them.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Oh fuck asking, I'm sure Ed won't mind.

Aww what?!?!?! I was gonna upload 3 of their songs to Rapidshare but I got this:
"Unfortunately all drives of RapidShare.de are full right now."
Seems like mr "I-have-360-terrabytes-of-space-na-na-na" is having troubles, as I doubt all that space is used up.

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Meh guns n roses. Chinese Democracy was due out to long ago for me to ever appreciate that band. Welcome the Jungle gets annoying really, really fast. I was pleased to hear that the Offspring was gunna give GnR the finger and release their last album under the title of Chinese Democracy however it didn't work out because the n00bs at GnR threatened to sue... :(
Level 8
Apr 4, 2005
Omg, it's indeed the age of punk :p

I like all Hip-Hop and Rap. I really don't got a favorite.
If it has to be one i guess i'd be either: Dilated Peoples, The Game or Static & Nat Ill.

Ofc i also need to mention Rage Against the Machine. Heavy rock and Rap, it's pure energy!
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