Erkut Hero Arena AI | English + Türkçe

Erkut Hero Arena v1.80 (+ AI)
Created by: DirciL
Last Update: 08 October 2024

[Map Info]
A battle between two teams that choose their heroes to reach the required team score.
The map takes between 25 - 35 minutes.
Both English and Turkish versions are available. ✓

[Team Score]
The required total score to win is automatically calculated by the game when game starts.
Killing a monster gives points equal to its level.
Killing a hero gives 20 points.
Winning an event gives 100 points.

Each event starts in the middle of the map every 5 minutes.
Winning an event provides to all team members a reinforcement for 2 mins.
There are 4 prizes.
Prizes: 80 Damage / 30 Intelligence / Infinity Mana / %100 Attack Speed
There are 7 events.

Dummy Event: The team that causes the most damage to the dummy within 2 minutes wins the prize.

Tank Event: The team that pushes the tank to the last point wins the prize.

Conquest Event: The team that stands in the challange area for 60 seconds wins the prize.

Occupation Event: The team that kills 15 guards wins the prize.

Angel Event: The team that takes 30 damage from the angel wins the prize.

Tower Event: The team that destroys the other team's tower wins the prize.

Crate Event: The team that keeps the chest as an allyof its own team for 60 seconds wins the prize.

Strength: BraveKnight, Chaos, FrostGolem, MaginalFagot, Magma, MountainKing, Nerubian, Paladin, Warlock, WildBear
Agility: DarkLady, Demolisher, Shaman, ForsakenArcher, Illusioner, LegionArcher, NagaSeaWitch, Rogue, Warden, Werewolf
Intelligence: Arachnathid, Archmage, Demon, Electron, Flash, IceQueen, Lich, OgreMagi, SkeletalMage, Tinker, VoidLord, VoodooShaman

[Spells, Commands, Stats...]
Q W E R F Z hotkeys to use spells.
bb to go base
-l to set zoom
-test to active test mode
Each Strength increases hit points and life regerenation.
Each Agility increases attack speed, movement speed and armor.
Each Intelligence increases mana, mana regerenation and %1 magic damage.

[Gameplay Videos]

Map Design: Erkut Kaya
Triggers: Erkut Kaya

Alleria Windrunner (The Panda)
Blink Strike (DMN Carry)
Bloodstone Orb (Kazeon)
BTN.Boots3 (OgreRfaCes)
BTN_Azshara_Siren (The Panda)
BTNAncientSkeletonWarrior! (Pins)
BTNArcaneArmor (ThePanda)
BTNAttributeBonusPurple (ThePanda)
BTNAxeElementFire (Devine)
BTNBansheesNecklace (Barbafire)
BTNBlackMass (WhiteFang)
BTNBlastHammer (8512590215848)
BTNBlazeAura (Mayday)
BTNBleed (Volvox)
BTNBootsUp1 (pick-a-chew)
BTNBootsUp2 (-Berz-)
BTNChaosGeneral (Stefan.K)
BTNChaosShamanAdept (Noctiss_Season2)
BTNdancingLightningGS (TRAIVANS)
BTNDeadCoil (MrMoonCrow)
BTNDeath (Warseeker)
BTNDeathWalker (kola)
BTNEagled (FrikY)
BTNEldarArmor (DarkePacific)
BTNEyeofShadows (LISBOAH)
BTNFrostStorm (A Normal Yandere)
BTNFrozenFlare (Vinz)
BTNGoldKnight3 (HuanJuan)
BTNINV_ThrowingKnife_04 (HFR)
BTNLightingElemental (Barade)
BTNLightningAttack (Herohatcher)
BTNLightningOrb (Gumberbunbder)
BTNMageArmor (The Panda)
BTNMagicBurst (Faith)
BTNMultiRockToss (darwin)
BTNNatureFlute (A Normal Yandere)
BTNNightborne (The Panda)
BTNOgreClubs3 (Stanakin)
BTNOrbWand (ThompZon)
BTNPoisonBow (Moises08x)
BTNPoisonousBlade (Ceterai)
BTNPirmeMatron (animewidri2)
BTNPyrolia (Moderator)
BTNRingOfInfiniteGems (Xian)
BTNRockSlam (Vengeancekael)
BtnShadowDance (Zealon)
BTNShamanClaw (fostaa)
BTNShuriken (Moises08x)
BTNSlash (Rui)
BTNSpell_Nature_Lightning (bobby_joe)
BTNSpell_Shadow_RitualOfSacrifice (LISBOAH)
BTNStormArchon (Scias)
BTNTokenOfAgility (Silent HUNter19)
BTNTokenOfIntelligence (xxShipxx)
BTNTokenOfStrength (Bloodsplintzy)
BTNUpgradeCannonOrc2 (Moderator)
BTNWerewolfBloodSeeker (FRENGERS)
BTNWindsBoots (demonpuppet)
BTNWorgenClaw (MN Lahmar)
BTNWretchedSwordsman (The Panda)
BTNZergSpider (Windrunner29)

Aleria Windrunner (qq6484446)
Ancient Explosion SFX (TRAIANVS)
Archangel Mikael (FlameofChange)
Blood Beetle (stein123)
Bloodelf Cavalry (Gumberbunbder)
Bloodelf Vanguard Tank (qq6484446)
BlueShockwaveMissile (Kazeon)
Bondage (DarkePacific)
Call of Dread (Exmortalius)
Cannonball (Ogreyton)
Chaos General (johnwar)
ChaosShaman_ByEpsilon (Gumberbunbder)
Cosmic Elven Wings (Illbean)
Culling Slash Vol. II (TTT)
DUMMY (Krakenn99)
FacelessOneScorpion (deepstrasz)
Female Dark Templar (Em!)
Fenris Wolfbrother (Em!)
Fire Dragon Caller of Fire (Agren)
Fire Infernal (Moderator)
Forsaken Dark Ranger (SvenZ)
Frozen Shell (Shadow1997)
Goblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe' (General Frank)
Gray Werewolf (Lord Zodiac)
Great Lightning (Daffa)
Gronn (BaiyuGalan)
Heal (Chiron)
Health Bars v1.30 (TADMINSTER)
Heigan the Unclean (Em!)
Hell Portal (Jib)
Hellstone Golem (Carefree World)
HeroGlow (Lord_Darcia)
Holy Light (ZethHolyblade)
Ice Coffin & Frost Nova (Nightmare2077)
Ice Explosion (Moderator)
Kingdom Come (datsatthune)
Lava Golem (Lageon)
Lightning Elemantal (Shar Dundred)
Magical Missiles (Barbafire)
MagicLightningAura (Barbafire)
Mythic Storms (ShadiHD)
Night Elf Moon Protector (ILH)
Orb of Darkness (HerlySQR)
OrgeLordAssasinWithNoEye (Wazzz)
Paladin V.2 (LovG)
Prime Matron (Liu)
Pyrolia (Ogreyton)
Reaper's Claws (Melistorm)
Rune Golem (hexhound)
Satyr Overlord (LovG)
ShockwaveeMissile (Noiko)
Shredder-Flamethrower (aeman)
Soul Beam (bruunk)
Stormfall (V)
Target and Circle Indicator TC Vfx (ThompZon)
The Void Lord (BiroN)
ThunderBoltMissile (Sunchips)
Void Disc (Aldeia)
Void Missiles (Superfrycook)
Windwalk (Barbafire)
WitchDoctor (hexhound)
Zodiac Warrior (Teitan)

Erkut Hero Arena 1.80 EN (Map)

Erkut Hero Arena 1.80 TR (Map)

A nice old-school+AoS item recipe type Arena map. Approved.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in use by Erkut Hero Arena
You can also upload your map here to generate a list: Asset scanner

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 13
Mar 4, 2014
Cool looking map, both the heros and their spells look and play pretty decent and the items and recipes are well made, but the main problem of the map is the language, because is not in english i can't understand neither the spells nor the events so i have no idea what are those about.