EPIC TD 1.01b

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The world biggest, hardest and most complicated TD map you had ever seen.. Dare to play? (12unique towers)

Tactic: Find d best position,place d right tower to prevent 30waves of enemies from escaping through any of the Portals..

Map saved 6times

Now all players will have the same amount of gold when the game starts. (The more number of players in the game, the fewer amount of gold each player will have)


TD, Epic, Hard, Defense, Tower

EPIC TD 1.01b (Map)

12:27, 30th Jun 2008 VGsatomi: Seemed like a good idea. I played, build my first setup of towers, waited to see what I was up against.....and waited....and waited...... I never made it to the first wave. You really should start the action a little...




12:27, 30th Jun 2008
VGsatomi: Seemed like a good idea. I played, build my first setup of towers, waited to see what I was up against.....and waited....and waited......

I never made it to the first wave. You really should start the action a little sooner. I had all my gold used up and waited a long time for the action to start....it never came before I got bored and left

Septimus : I have play this map at gg-client with my buddy and I really enjoy it, but people have no idea that they should type -e or -n to enable the wave started. The invasion is getting quite a gay when you break the portal, and it is kinda funny when it said "You have make a wise choice".

Yeah, I agree... a wise choice to suicide since those tower attack seems to be like a water cannon that does no damage... those creep are kinda scary when the portal been destroy...

Easy mode are too easy, any idiot could accomplish it as well... but as for normal... i won't said so...

I give this map a rating 5.. it is not quite challenging once you know what to do.. but i suggest everybody not to destroy the portal unless you want to suicide...

By the way, the portal is quite gay... for those who don't know what i trying to said, try build a tower close to it... :p
Level 1
Feb 12, 2008
only blue gets gold and its not enough to make the required 15 towers to start the game so as it may look cool you cant play it...
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
ya, i know about this bug, i forgot to set golds and lumbers for other players. i will solve this at the next version. but it still can be played. i mean play solo. u choose blue players and play alone. most ppl play like tat. And there is another rule for this game : with the more number of players, u will have fewer golds at the startup. so, just try to play blue player alone.
Level 24
May 20, 2007
Well I will review your TD:

[+]Global TD idea,forever
[+]A very,webbed terrain!
[+]Unlike DJ Satomi said,the time wasn't so long,it was prolly for building those towers
[/]Should of added upgrade feature
[/]Pretty simple,when it comes to waves
[/]Should of made the Builder fly,not activate a spell
[-]Well,Fire Wall isn't placeable in front of the creeps
[-]Pretty easy in full house
[-]Full house or it becomes imbalanced
[-]Few places to camp your towers

Well,I hereby give you a 3.5/5 ,just because it was too simple.

Anyway,I loved the idea it was great,something never seen before!
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
thanks for the review, too simple? you finished the game easily? actually there are commands to make the game harder, not sure whether you have tried it or not.

it will be great if you could review my AoS - Cops And Robbers AI too. hehe..
Level 6
Jun 15, 2008
This map is impossible to do when a low amount of players, either this is what you want, if not. Please make a way of making it easier when there's only a few players in.

I really cant give this map a proper review because, I diddn't get to play it that much. But Add some upgrades, make the builder fly all the time, and make sure that you can build more places. it seems that some places you simply cant build, when it would be nice, if you could.
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
there are a few difficulties in the map, you may read it in Map Info (F9). It is possible to beat the map with low amount of players.

it seems that some places you simply cant build, when it would be nice, if you could.
i deliberately make like that, especially nearer to the portals. so that you cant just build a lot of towers at the center.

But Add some upgrades, make the builder fly all the time,
ok, in the new version
Level 9
Jan 8, 2008
A lot of my buddy said "Wow, nice map.. i really enjoy it.. but i would like it even more if the terrain look better.."
haha, thanks for the +rep man! the terrain is still not special enough? Or do you guys mean that the terrain should be simplified?

Well,I like the ''webbed'' concept was so different when you looked at the minimap!
haha, yupe, that's why I made the terrain like that.

Why don't you just make a timer to start the rounds? Isn't that more suitable than waiting for everyone to use up all their golds when we don't even know where there pathing/good spots is/are
The round starts when 15 towers were built, not when everyone used up their gold.
Because the map is extremely big, if I made the timer, some people may complain that the time is not enough. Actually the instructions are in the map, there shouldn't be a problem for the players to understand how to start the game.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
The game will not auto start like the other TD map. It will start once all of you built your towers, (total 15 towers)
Please read the game instructions. It's written inside the game.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
Hey man, I read your post yesterday and u wrote "63 players" instead of "63 towers"

btw do you have the replay?
And what towers did you build?
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
Nope sorry I do not have a replay. I for myself build 5 different towers what the other players did I do not know anymore.
Or perhaps they left the game and that's why it did not start? I think you should try it again because all of us can play the map well here. It doesn't deserve a rating of 1/5. Even the moderator gave a rating of 5/5 here

NearbyHermit, I had the same feeling as you too hehe. Zach, where have you gone? long time no see.
Level 2
Jun 25, 2008
Gurkenglee, you suck! everybody is having fun playing this map and you were saying that it couldnt start and giving it a rating of 1? holy cow..
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Level 7
Apr 3, 2007
Wow... I just stated one problem.. If you want more Ill be happy 2 give them!
1. By the time you get to a location to build a tower, most creeps have already passed it.
2. The map area is so big that youd have to build about 10 towers every couple a yards, also considering the towers hardly do any damage...
3. You could at least warn people that the portals will destroy you'r towers... Nearly everyone that played this game commented on that.
4. How are u suppsoe to play when u can hardly get any money, like I said earlier, hard to kill creeps...
5. Not enoguh creeps spawn at a time, what, 10 or 15 at once? again going back to my 1st statement, with the area being so huge, how do u kill them? If not make the towers stronger, at least give more lives and more creeps that spawn at a time...

Would you like me 2 go on Jen..? P.S. My english is poor? "your english are so poor"... WOW, lol
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Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
by seeing your comments, you are actually not yet get used to this map. the problems you have stated actually can be solved and can be played. you just need time to improve your skills. i suggest you play easy mode first.

1. By the time you get to a location to build a tower, most creeps have already passed it.
you can change your builder to fly mode, or use ability to speed up yourself / teleport or use any abilities to damage the enemies.

2. The map area is so big that youd have to build about 10 towers every couple a yards,also considering the towers hardly do any damage...
no, if you are playing that way, you can't win the game. basically you just have to build towers around the portal (starting portal and destination portals)

3. You could at least warn people that the portals will destroy you'r towers... Nearly everyone that played this game commented on that.
what for? when you played for the first time, you will know it already. not much people will read the FAQ or hints before playing the game for the first time.

4. How are u suppsoe to play when u can hardly get any money, like I said earlier, hard to kill creeps...
your tactic is wrong, that's why hard to kill creeps. it is easy to earn gold actually.

5. Not enoguh creeps spawn at a time, what, 10 or 15 at once? again going back to my 1st statement, with the area being so huge, how do u kill them? If not make the towers stronger, at least give more lives and more creeps that spawn at a time...
refer to my answer above. by the way, there are strong towers in this game, but you have to unlock them, which is stated in the game too. and if you destroyed the central portal, definitely it is gonna be hard for you to play it because the creeps get stronger and actually that is the hardest mode of this game.