Disabling Hero Learn

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Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Can you disable the ability heroes use to learn abilities, then enable it without causing problems?
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
You can alter the amount of skill points a hero has available. You can set this value to 0 every time said hero gains a level. At a later point under whatever circumstances you choose, the value can be set to something else. This might accomplish the same thing.
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
I've done something similar in the past. The lack of skill points makes that annoying button go away. If need be, you can always determine how many skill points a hero has gained upon level gain and save them as an accumulative value in one of the unit's custom values before setting the current skill levels to 0.
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Uhhh. Can you show a trigger that would do this? Or do I merely have to call ModifyHeroSkillPoints?
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Not having skill points won't make the button go away. The button goes away when your spells are all at maximum level.

If this is true in your so-called upgrades, try converting all your hero abliities to unit abilities but leave them multi-level and move them from the hero abilities field to the regular abilities field. For some abilities, it might alse be necessary to adjust the required skill level field. This way you can adjust the level of a given ability as you wish both up and down using trigger actions depending on circumstances you choose. The only downside is that you will lose the ability to distribute skill points in the traditional way. Other than that, the abilities are just as effective and you have considerably more control. On a personal note, taking into account all the things that can be done with triggers and the Object Editor on non-hero units, it seems that, despite their appearant coolness, the actual restrictiveness of using heroes generally makes them more trouble than they're worth.
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
@Wietlol, Like removing all of the unit's hero abilities? Or maxing them, one of those seems like it has to work! I could manage something like that. Saving their level into an integer var.

@Wyr Haha Yeah, I've thought about using all unit abilities in my map, but it was after a certain point where it would be troublesome to do so. Thus, I decided to stick with the hero abilities. I COULD do the hero to unit ability transfer, but eh.
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Yes, all the hero abilities in my map are levelable xD
And I'm content with the generic method of upgrading abilities, I'm sure the people playing my map won't mind.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Generic method?
Like it automatically upgrades?

Anyway, the regular method forces a button on the HUD which you want to remove to get an extra slot.
Upgrading abilities can also be done using normal abilities and level them via triggers.
If you have a command spellbook on the unit (for menu commands, usually for RPG/AOS maps) then you can add leveling to that.
Otherwise, you can make another unit which will have abilities for each levelable ability and use that to trigger the level.
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Yes, the regular method. I don't want to permanently remove it, only temporarily to have access to a one time ability.
Level 12
May 20, 2009
Yes, all the hero abilities in my map are levelable xD
And I'm content with the generic method of upgrading abilities, I'm sure the people playing my map won't mind.

You don't have to upgrade abilities. You can specifically set the level to whatever level you want via trigger. IIRC even if the level you want is backwards from the current level. Like it's currently level 5, you can set it back to level 1.
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013

I'm confused. The only thing I was asking about is if you could disable the hero learn ability for a period of time. You know, like calling SetPlayerAbilityAvailable as you would for normal abilities, but for the hero learn ability.
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