Dawn - Story line movie(1.5 hours long approx), seeking for talented project members!

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Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Hey Guys!

I would like to present you my latest movie which is not World of Warcraft related. Since I have made many WoW movies and now I am taking a break I have decided to challange myself on another field of movie making but with sticking to the Warcraft universe.

This is a teaser of an upcoming story line movie that pictures an alternate stoy of Kalimdor while the battle against the Lich King is going. All the materials are from simple Warcraft III The Frozen Throne editor, means:

For all the scenes I made 1-1 maps myself, put down the camera objects, triggered the events then fraps the outcome. After all these I made some afterwork in Sony vegas ( effects and adding extra sounds )

Sounds: i used some random sounds from the well known movie : 300. I think it boosts the feeling quite alot. Since i really like to catch some nice moments from other movies ( still sounds we are talking about ) I think I will use some for the long movie too but I hope I can get some talented voice actors :)

The Story: Just to make it short and do not spoil the entire story I can tell it is about a Paladin called Dawn, who thinks God left him and he is not a favoured anymore. He seeks battles from one to the another to prove himself till something happenes that changes the shape of the Southern continents. While the Alliance and the Horde are battling with the Lich King, Arthas' most powerful follower arrives to Kalmidor to destroy the unguarded lands. But he is not alone! The Necromancer made a secret pact with the Burning Legion and uses demonic powers and the most important, Arthas does not know about his pact ...

This is a Story about the ones who stood and got such an important role as the ones fighting against Arthas.

This is going to be about 1.5 hour long movie, just started to write the scenes and currently looking for talented voice actors. Since Warcraft III is still one of the most successful RTS game and still popular I dare to share this movie with you guys and since Warcraft III is the mother of World of Warcraft ( I believe ) I hope you will like it.

Thank you for reading it, enjoy!




This was the description of the trailer. I realized siince I have a lot of work to do like writing the scripts, supervising the voice materials I will not have the time to make the landscape of the scenes like I really want, or I can make it but I will finish this movie from the wheelchair.

So since I know here there are many talented people I would like to ask if any of you interested in making this movie. The trailer is a success and people are really want to see this.

What I am searching for:

Talented landscape artists : ( working with custom models too ) - 2-3 terrain artists would nice, so the scenes would have some diversity style wise. If you would like to join please post some pictures of your previous works, thanks :)
Terrainer1 :
Terrainer2 :
Terrainer3 :
Story writer : Ghoulrush
Lore master : Ghoulrush

If you are interested please leave a message here, I will check it.
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Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
I have done story writing for multiple wc3 projects, so I could work with you there. I'm also good with the storyline of warcraft.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
I have done story writing for multiple wc3 projects, so I could work with you there. I'm also good with the storyline of warcraft.

Nice, then welcome :) I am going to send you a short summary of the story, the main line, so you can see what it is about and you can start thinking where to add and what. I want only the main story to be stoned but since I wanted a story writer and you said you are good at it I will let you release your immagination with the rest. You can add extra scenes and if they are good you will see them going live on the movie :)
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Any idea of when the full movie will be released? (i guess not, but does´nt harm to ask^^) Looks awesome :)

Unfortunately I cannot say anything yet, depends how many artists I can gather. If I can get like 2-3 good map makers it will be much faster and the quality of the visuals will be better too since they can focus on one and I do not have to rush with the maps.

Voice acting is the other issue, since without actors I have to create the vpices for each characters and thats a tiering job and takes extra time. The big scale fighting scenes will take the most since I do not want to just put down some units and show them auto attacking each other, more like the scene when the ranger shoots the abomination if you remember the scene from the trailer. Or another scene ( non seen ) when the nightelf infantries open the shieldwall for the swordsmen who jump out from the line killing the enemy then the shieldwall closes again ( like in 300 - the movie ). Those scenes take a lot of time and I really do not want to rush with any of the scenes since I would like to create a real quality movie that you can just watch with friends, drinking and eating pizza while having a great fun ^^
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