Channel base spell, point target, then use the following triggers:
Unit(index of 12)
TargetPoint(index of 12)
Unit begins casting an ability
ability = charge
set unit(player number of owner of triggering unit) = triggering unit
set targetpoint(player number of owner of triggering unit)=Target point of spell being cast
Every .05 seconds
For each integer a 1-12 do
set antileakpoint(integerA) = position of unit(integerA) offset by 20 toward facing of unit(integerA)
Move unit (integerA) to antileakpoint
Set AntileakGroup to all units within 200 of unit(integerA) and do Unit(integerA) damage Picked unit for 10 damage using damage type spells and type normal
If Distance between antileakpoint and target point(integerA) less than or equal to 50, then set unit(integerA) = no unit else do nothing
Custom Script: call DestroyGroup (AntiLeakUnitGroup)
Custom Script: call RemoveLocation (AntiLeakPoint)
Note this is coded for a map where each player gets one hero, but all players may get the same hero and use the ability at the same time.
The two editable fields are the damage and the offset.