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Comradeship v1.03 [Deuterium]

Spell Description
The Hero creates a bond between him and an ally unit. This bond grows
stronger as the two units get closer to each other, thus amplifying their
damage. If the units get very distant from one another, the bond breaks.
Spell Attributes
- Documentation on how to adjust and import provided
- As user friendly as possible
- Released

- Removed the minor lag.
- Changed special effects.
- Decreased the refresh rate of the periodic timer from 0.20s to 0.03s.
- Fixed a problem concerning leaks removal (credits to Rmx for pointing that out).
- Fixed a minor mistake concerning MUI Indexing (credits to Rmx for pointing that out).
- Slightly adjusted tooltips.
- Slightly adjusted documentation.
- Added a preload trigger.

- Removed all leaks (credits to Dark_Dragon for pointing the leaks out).
- Fixed a bug concerning MUI (credits to Rmx for fixing that).
- Changed special effects (credits to -BerZeKeR- for advising the special effect models).

- Increased efficiency.
- Adjusted a little Custom Script mistake.

  • Comradeship Preload
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_CO_Debug)
      • Custom script: set udg_CO_Debug = null
      • Game - Preload Abilities\Weapons\FaerieDragonMissile\FaerieDragonMissile.mdl
      • Game - Preload Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdl
      • Game - Preload Abilities\Spells\Undead\AbsorbMana\AbsorbManaBirthMissile.mdl
      • Set CO_CenterLoc[0] = (Center of (Playable map area))
      • -------- SFXDummy1_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy1_CO for Player 1 (Red) at CO_CenterLoc[0] facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
      • -------- SFXDummy2_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy2_CO for Player 1 (Red) at CO_CenterLoc[0] facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
      • -------- SFXDummy3_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy3_CO for Player 1 (Red) at CO_CenterLoc[0] facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Remove (Last created unit) from the game
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at CO_CenterLoc[0] using Abilities\Weapons\FaerieDragonMissile\FaerieDragonMissile.mdl
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at CO_CenterLoc[0] using Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdl
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at CO_CenterLoc[0] using Abilities\Spells\Undead\AbsorbMana\AbsorbManaBirthMissile.mdl
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_CenterLoc[0])
  • Comradeship Main
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Comradeship
    • Actions
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Basic Index Check --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • CO_Index[1] Equal to 0
        • Then - Actions
          • Trigger - Turn on Comradeship Loop <gen>
        • Else - Actions
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Indexing --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set CO_Index[1] = (CO_Index[1] + 1)
      • Set CO_Index[2] = (CO_Index[2] + 1)
      • Set CO_Off[CO_Index[2]] = True
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- These are some variables for the user to adjust --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Defines the maximum range at which the spell has an effect --------
      • Set CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[2]] = 1000.00
      • -------- Defines the time that the spell lasts --------
      • Set CO_SpellLastingTime[CO_Index[2]] = 30.00
      • -------- Defines the motion speed of the special effects --------
      • Set CO_SFXSpeed[CO_Index[2]] = 7.00
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Sets Triggering and Targetting unit into variables --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[2]] = (Triggering unit)
      • Set CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[2]] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Creating Debug group --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Custom script: if udg_CO_Debug == null then
      • Custom script: set udg_CO_Debug = CreateGroup()
      • Custom script: endif
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Adding the damage to both units --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[2]] is in CO_Debug) Equal to False
          • (CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[2]] is in CO_Debug) Equal to False
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit Group - Add CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[2]] to CO_Debug
          • Unit Group - Add CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[2]] to CO_Debug
          • Unit - Add Comradeship Damage to CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[2]]
          • Unit - Add Comradeship Damage to CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[2]]
        • Else - Actions
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Adding Special Effects to the weapons of the units --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdl
      • Set CO_SFXTrig1[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created special effect)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Spells\Undead\AbsorbMana\AbsorbManaBirthMissile.mdl
      • Set CO_SFXTrig2[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created special effect)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of (Target unit of ability being cast) using Abilities\Weapons\FaerieDragonMissile\FaerieDragonMissile.mdl
      • Set CO_SFXTarg1[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created special effect)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the weapon of (Target unit of ability being cast) using Abilities\Weapons\FaerieDragonMissile\FaerieDragonMissile.mdl
      • Set CO_SFXTarg2[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created special effect)
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- These variables set the positions of both, the Triggering Unit and the Target Unit --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]] = (Position of CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[2]])
      • Set CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]] = (Position of CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[2]])
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Sets the X's and Y's of the positions of both units --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set CO_TrigUnitX[CO_Index[2]] = (X of CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]])
      • Set CO_TrigUnitY[CO_Index[2]] = (Y of CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]])
      • Set CO_TargUnitX[CO_Index[2]] = (X of CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]])
      • Set CO_TargUnitY[CO_Index[2]] = (Y of CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[2]])
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Simple "vector-midpoint" formula --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Set CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] = (Point(((CO_TrigUnitX[CO_Index[2]] + CO_TargUnitX[CO_Index[2]]) / 2.00), ((CO_TrigUnitY[CO_Index[2]] + CO_TargUnitY[CO_Index[2]]) / 2.00)))
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Creates special effect units (loop is not used in order to set each to a differet, yet indexed, variable) --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- SFXDummy1_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy1_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 150.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy1[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy1_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 270.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy3[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy1_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 30.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy5[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • -------- SFXDummy2_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy2_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 210.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy2[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy2_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 330.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy4[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy2_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 90.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy6[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • -------- SFXDummy3_CO --------
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy3_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 210.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy7[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy3_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 330.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy8[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy3_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] facing 90.00 degrees
      • Set CO_SFXDummy9[CO_Index[2]] = (Last created unit)
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • -------- Removing leaks --------
      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_TrigUnitLoc[udg_CO_Index[2]])
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_TargUnitLoc[udg_CO_Index[2]])
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_CenterLoc[udg_CO_Index[2]])
  • Comradeship Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer CO_Index[3]) from 1 to CO_Index[2], do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • CO_Off[CO_Index[3]] Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- This variable acts like the Wait action --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 0.03)
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- A counter to later determine the position of each special effect dummy --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + CO_SFXSpeed[CO_Index[3]])
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] Greater than or equal to 360.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] = 0.00
                • Else - Actions
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- These variables set the positions of both, the Triggering Unit and the Target Unit --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]] = (Position of CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]])
              • Set CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]] = (Position of CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]])
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Mathematical equation to define four sections of the circle to be used to determine the damage of the units depending on the distance --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_DmgLevelIteger[CO_Index[3]] = ((Integer(CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]])) / (Integer((Distance between CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]] and CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]]))))
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- If/Then function to be sure the Integer doesn't go over 4 in order not to mix up with the damage of the other levels --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • CO_DmgLevelIteger[CO_Index[3]] Greater than 4
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set CO_DmgLevelIteger[CO_Index[3]] = 4
                • Else - Actions
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Sets the additional unit by setting the level of Comradeship Damage --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]] is in CO_Debug) Equal to False
                  • (CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]] is in CO_Debug) Equal to False
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit Group - Add CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]] to CO_Debug
                  • Unit Group - Add CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]] to CO_Debug
                  • Unit - Add Comradeship Damage to CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add Comradeship Damage to CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]]
                • Else - Actions
              • Set CO_DmgLevelDetermining[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_DmgLevelIteger[CO_Index[3]] + (((Level of Comradeship for CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]]) - 1) x 4))
              • Unit - Set level of Comradeship Damage for CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]] to CO_DmgLevelDetermining[CO_Index[3]]
              • Unit - Set level of Comradeship Damage for CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]] to CO_DmgLevelDetermining[CO_Index[3]]
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Sets the X's and Y's of the positions of both units --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_TrigUnitX[CO_Index[3]] = (X of CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]])
              • Set CO_TargUnitX[CO_Index[3]] = (X of CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]])
              • Set CO_TrigUnitY[CO_Index[3]] = (Y of CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]])
              • Set CO_TargUnitY[CO_Index[3]] = (Y of CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]])
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Simple "vector-midpoint" formula --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Set CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] = (Point(((CO_TrigUnitX[CO_Index[3]] + CO_TargUnitX[CO_Index[3]]) / 2.00), ((CO_TrigUnitY[CO_Index[3]] + CO_TargUnitY[CO_Index[3]]) / 2.00)))
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Setting points for circular motion into variables --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] Greater than or equal to 1.98
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set CO_PolProj1[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 60.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj2[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 120.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj3[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 180.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj4[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 240.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj5[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 300.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj6[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 360.00) degrees)
                • Else - Actions
                  • Set CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] / 1.98)
                  • Set CO_PolProj1[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 60.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj2[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 120.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj3[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 180.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj4[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 240.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj5[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 300.00) degrees)
                  • Set CO_PolProj6[CO_Index[3]] = (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by ((CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) x CO_SFXAlgeo[CO_Index[3]]) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 360.00) degrees)
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Checks the distance between both units, the value of CO_WaitCounter, and if any of the two units are dead or not --------
              • -------- and if any of the Conditions apply Special Effects are destroyed, and additional damage and leaks removed --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
                    • Conditions
                      • (Distance between CO_TrigUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]] and CO_TargUnitLoc[CO_Index[3]]) Greater than CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]]
                      • CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] Greater than or equal to CO_SpellLastingTime[CO_Index[3]]
                      • (CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]] is dead) Equal to True
                      • (CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]] is dead) Equal to True
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set CO_Off[CO_Index[3]] = False
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Removing extra damage --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Unit - Remove Comradeship Damage from CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Remove Comradeship Damage from CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit Group - Remove CO_TrigUnit[CO_Index[3]] from CO_Debug
                  • Unit Group - Remove CO_TargUnit[CO_Index[3]] from CO_Debug
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Removing special effect dummies --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy1[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy2[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy3[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy4[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy5[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy6[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy7[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy8[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Unit - Add a 0.01 second Generic expiration timer to CO_SFXDummy9[CO_Index[3]]
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Removing weapons' effects --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Special Effect - Destroy CO_SFXTrig1[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Special Effect - Destroy CO_SFXTrig2[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Special Effect - Destroy CO_SFXTarg1[CO_Index[3]]
                  • Special Effect - Destroy CO_SFXTarg2[CO_Index[3]]
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Reseting Counters --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Set CO_WaitCounter[CO_Index[3]] = 0.00
                  • Set CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] = 0.00
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Reducing CO_Index[1] because one spell instance has ended --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Set CO_Index[1] = (CO_Index[1] - 1)
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • If - Conditions
                      • CO_Index[1] Equal to 0
                    • Then - Actions
                      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                      • -------- Destroying Debug group --------
                      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                      • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_CO_Debug)
                      • Custom script: set udg_CO_Debug = null
                      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                      • -------- Resetting CO_Index[2] to 0 because no active spells are running then turning the trigger off --------
                      • Set CO_Index[2] = 0
                      • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
                    • Else - Actions
                • Else - Actions
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • -------- Setting the special effect dummies in a circular motion --------
                  • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy1[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj1[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 150.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy2[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj2[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 210.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy3[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj3[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 270.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy4[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj4[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 330.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy5[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj5[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 30.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy6[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj6[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 90.00) degrees
                  • -------- - --------
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy7[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj2[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 210.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy8[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj4[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 330.00) degrees
                  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy9[CO_Index[3]] instantly to CO_PolProj6[CO_Index[3]], facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 90.00) degrees
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • -------- Removing leaks --------
              • -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_TrigUnitLoc[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_TargUnitLoc[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_CenterLoc[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj1[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj2[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj3[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj4[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj5[udg_CO_Index[3]])
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CO_PolProj6[udg_CO_Index[3]])
            • Else - Actions
- pin-pointing unremoved point leaks
- pin-pointing a mistake concerning Indexing
- fixing a bug

- pin-pointing unremoved leaks
- advising on how-to-improve

- picking more creative special effect models

Credit is appreciated but unnecessary.

Comradeship, Deuterium, Bonus, Damage, Simple, Leakless, MUI, GUI

Comradeship v1.03 (Map)

22:50, 6th Jun 2009 hvo-busterkomo: A fairly advanced GUI spell. The scripting and effect both look fine, approved.




22:50, 6th Jun 2009
hvo-busterkomo: A fairly advanced GUI spell. The scripting and effect both look fine, approved.
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
This is the first time I ever make a spell MUI using anything other than Local Variables, so there might be mistakes considering that.

@ Rmx:
My test-map beats you new one! (btw Credits to LebaneseSoul who worked on the terrain of our original map from which I took the test-map)

@ Septimus:
See, a creative, original and simple spell! :D
And don't start bugging me with submission rules :p

EDIT: Spell slightly lags! I'm gonna fix that whenever possible as I mentioned...
Last edited:
i checked the spell and i can say i am very impressed on how fast did you learn so much!
spell idea is really good and test map is awesome, very creative from u!

spell by itself seems leakless, MUI, GUI and usefull.
the only thing which is currently my problem, is that i dont have too fast computer so i have a little lag but only little xD

anyway from when i remember u where total beginner and from now what i can see: is i cant beleve u became so good, but wait ur a new one Deuterium now xD

all in all once again: spell seems to be MUI, leakless, bugfree, usefull, good documented and ofc idea alone is quite good + coding is impressive since you learned this all in a short amount of time.

i can see you will not currently have some time to work on spells but thats ofc understandable, make sure to study for school first if u have exams xD

well it would be 4/5 for now and +rep for great work!

~Dark Dragon
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Dark_Dragon said:
the only thing which is currently my problem, is that i dont have too fast computer so i have a little lag but only little xD
Yeah i forgot to mention the slight lag :p but i mentioned the method of fixing it in the "To be fixed in future versions" :p
thanks for the review!

hell gate said:
a great spell 5/5. nice effects, easy to understand...
but plz add a variable to change the number of the picked units.
What picked units!? I don't use groups in all the triggers :p
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Wow! Very impressive! Really creative and unique! Seems that there are a bit many special effects, cause after second casting I had some lags. (But only after the second :D ) But it's really brilliant! I think, you deserved 5/5 now! ;)

What picked units!? I don't use groups in all the triggers :p
He means, if you can add a possibility to target more than one comrade to organise this commune :)



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007


Rating System :

0 - 15 = Shame on U
16 - 25 = Unacceptable
26 - 35 = Lacking
36 - 45 = Useful
46 - 55 = Recommended - Highly Recommended
56 - 60 = Directors Cut

Recommended to read the How to improve on every review.

Idea and Creativity - 10/10.
Spell Description and In game Balance - 9/10.
Triggering and Scripting - 6/10.
Special effects *Eye Candy* - 7/10.
User Friendly *Documentation* - 9/10.
Efficiency - 7/10.

Is it Multi Instanceable - [YES]

Final Rating - [48].

Status - ***Highly Recommended***.

Well you leak 3 Point every 0.20 seconds the three points are
  • [ CO_CenterLoc ext.. -- CO_trigUnitLoc -- CO_TargUnitLoc ]
Fix them and make it more efficient like not spamming this blue special effect make it like two Axes spinning around the location and fire on them it will be much more Lovely :) ...anyway fix the Leaks and make it more efficient :) .......

My view is that this spell IS AWESOME AND VERY FUCKEN COOL .... Thunder STRIKE .. Thumbs UP ext. ext.. .But the problem is read the HOW TO IMPROVE :( this is what sad.

EDIT : Forgot one thing +REP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Rmx said:
Well you leak 3 Point every 0.20 seconds the three points are
[ CO_CenterLoc ext.. -- CO_trigUnitLoc -- CO_TargUnitLoc ]
Fix them and make it more efficient like not spamming this blue special effect make it like two Axes spinning around the location and fire on them it will be much more Lovely :) ...anyway fix the Leaks and make it more efficient :) ......
Ohh haha yeah I knew I forgot something! that's easy to fix... I'll do that later :) I tried fixing that quickly now but I'm too sleepy to place the custom scripts in the right places :p
& although it's not excuse... i mentioned that it still needs fixing in the description

Septimus said:
But I could still bug you to code it in JASS/VJASS :p
Hehe as I said, I wont rush up into scripting Jass ;)
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Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Originally Posted by Septimus
But I could still bug you to code it in JASS/VJASS :p

Originally Posted by Deuterium
But I could still bug you to code it in JASS/VJASS :p

I think u are too much sleepy GO TO BED ! looool.

Originally Posted by DARK_DRAGON LOL
spell by itself seems leakless, MUI, GUI and usefull.

Well MUI GUI yes ... Leakless i don't think so loooooooool :p
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Well MUI GUI yes ... Leakless i don't think so loooooooool :p

sry i did not really look too well in the GUI code and well i missed this xD but ur right sry! it was a quick look at GUI since when i see GUI its kind a... dono how to say but y my mistake since it leaks but i said "seems" xD

EDIT: lals he even stored in vars but not removed xD well i did not expect that since when someone stores them he removes them as well :( now i know why i missed it :/

anyway thanks for pointing my mistake Rmx!
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Dark_Dragon said:
lals he even stored in vars but not removed xD well i did not expect that since when someone stores them he removes them as well :( now i know why i missed it :/
Well no the thing is that I removed the leak only once when the spell ends and forgot that in that case it'll be leaking every 0.20 seconds... :p if the purpose wasn't to remove leaks i wouldnt have stored them in variables ;)
Well no the thing is that I removed the leak only once when the spell ends and forgot that in that case it'll be leaking every 0.20 seconds... :p if the purpose wasn't to remove leaks i wouldnt have stored them in variables ;)

yeah i know xD its coz u stored but removed at wrong place so actually there is still this leaks... and ofc as i quickly looked i was not injecting ur algorithms in my head xD and thats why i said seems leakless :O but anyway this is piece of cake for u to fix!



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Well there is another LEAK .........

The trigger VARIBLE ... Damage thingy ... forgot it's name ..

Anyway it makes ( Damage_? ) ( Level of ability for CAting unit [2] WOW NOT MUI -1 ) x4

Fix the array .... also ... change the special effects to something more lovely and less laggy ... i casted it twice and BAM LAG !

Also i spammed it like 8 TIMES ... and then the special effect on the hand of the unit did not go when it has finished LOOL.
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Rmx said:
not spamming this blue special effect make it like two Axes spinning around the location and fire on them it will be much more Lovely :)
Well, the idea of the circle wasn't only eye candy. The circle act as a boundary to the maximum distance allowed before having the bond broken. That's why the idea of two spinning axes might not be suitable.

I fixed the leaks, and decreased the minor lag a bit (not updated yet).

However, to make it more efficient, I would like to know if anyone has any advice on what special effects would be suitable for this spell! :D

I was thinking of using a dummy with an aura model to act as the boundary circle, but that would become annoying to adjust (trial-and-error Scaling Value) and wouldn't be nice special effect.


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Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
-BerZeKeR- said:
Could use some better special effects, i have an idea that would look good but that would ruin the idea of "comradeship" (green + purple effects, evul ;..;)
Well, if you've got an idea that's worth working on, I'll definetly like to hear it :)
It was a really hard job picking special effects that are nice and not annoying in the same time :p
And I barely know what each special effect looks like in-game, so I'm usually picking the special effects through trial-and-error rather than having something in mind and doing it :s

-BerZeKeR- said:
It's really good for RPG maps, lots of teamwork and sth, and this spell would get handy =)
Exactly! You know how I do care about whether spells get handy or not ;)
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
-BerZeKeR- said:
Try something small and "light" like half visible, try to apply vertex coloring to dummies.

I would go with something blue/light yellow, or combination blue+red(if you have 6 dummies, every second dummy is blue others would be red).

Dunno just a couple of ideas :p
Nice ideasss there :) haha... I'm gonna see what I can do about it ;) any special effect model in mind??

Rmx said:
The Spell bugs ... so I fixed it :p
Thanks :) but before I update it, shouldn't the group be destroyed before turning off the periodic trigger? wouldn't it leak otherwise?
And question, I can't understand what this does:
  • Set CO_Off[CO_Index[2]] = True



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
No u shouldn't destroy that group coz it didn't Create it ... or set it ...
I had a long chat me and Dark_Dragon about it loool..

Also it will not leak like i told u it is SET or Create :p

About Set CO_Off[CO_Index[2]] = True

Well look in Comandership Loop... at first ... and see when it turns off ..
The Loop will do nothing ... it like to prevent bugs :)

Glad to help .. now it is FULLY MUI without any bugs ..
any special effect model in mind??

Hmm, Faerie Dragon, IlidanEvil(green) + AbsorbMana(blue) together, and then you attach one effect on caster and the second one on the target =)

Or maybe try out SpiritLink/AvatarOfVengeance

i would really like to see that green+blue one with vertex coloring, I think it would look sweet :D
No u shouldn't destroy that group coz it didn't Create it ... or set it ...
I had a long chat me and Dark_Dragon about it loool..

Also it will not leak like i told u it is SET or Create :p

About Set CO_Off[CO_Index[2]] = True

Well look in Comandership Loop... at first ... and see when it turns off ..
The Loop will do nothing ... it like to prevent bugs :)

Glad to help .. now it is FULLY MUI without any bugs ..

lol xD was not long at all ;)
anyway i checked ur spell as u wanted Deuterium + i checked Rmx one...

k thats what i wanted to tell u it was not MUI until Rmx added that boolean (true / false) thing...

this is coz you always loop to max possible counter but i suggest u to decrease counter and use actaually one one. however that would require some 'smart swap algorithms' so ill leave u at this as is coz its cool ;)

k Rmx now its my turn to blame u for not founding leaks xD

  • Unit - Create 1 SFXDummy_CO for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[2]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[2]] / 2.00) towards 60.00 degrees) facing 150.00 degrees
... already 6 point leaks
this is in main trigger

... but forget 6 leaks xD
this is in loop trigger
  • Unit - Move CO_SFXDummy1[CO_Index[3]] instantly to (CO_CenterLoc[CO_Index[3]] offset by (CO_MaxDistance[CO_Index[3]] / 2.00) towards (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 60.00) degrees), facing (CO_EffectOffsetCounter[CO_Index[3]] + 150.00) degrees
:O thats too much
so lets see how much points does he leak per cast:

the spell lasts 30 secs.

so its: 6*(30/0.03+1) =
= 6 *(100+1)
= 606 //

:O thats way tooo much xD
so as u can see everyone makes mistakes but must say gj on making it fully MUI for Deuterium since this is his first spell lol! and its quite good ;)

so Deuterium ill suggest u to use Rmx version and fix this leaks i pointed + if u really want u can do that what -BZK- said, then it'll be great :D

EDIT: Actually to explain groups!
what GUI does when u create global 'Unit Group' variable is that it generates function which is executed on map init before everything else and it sets that variables to this:

set udg_MyGroupVar = CreateGroup()

the creategroup is the only way to create group. when you set the group vars GUI does not have CreateGroup but it has advanced functions which use CreateGroup functions such as Pick every unit matching... or any of this will generate a new group. so if you are not changing the group but only removing and adding units there is no need to remove that group since you did not lost sight of it and you will again use it. but points well once you use them you cant move them and use again so thats why we remove the points. groups dont need to be destroyed if you will use it again (the same one).

Hope it helps!

Greets all!
~Dark Dragon
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Dark_Dragon said:
k thats what i wanted to tell u it was not MUI until Rmx added that boolean (true / false) thing...
Now i understand how this functions :)

Dark_Dragon said:
this is coz you always loop to max possible counter but i suggest u to decrease counter and use actaually one one. however that would require some 'smart swap algorithms' so ill leave u at this as is coz its cool ;)
Are you talking about the WaitCounter and the EffectOffsetCounter? and haha don't worry, im good at algorithms ;) but I just need to understand what u mean by this :p

Dark_Dragon said:
k Rmx now its my turn to blame u for not founding leaks xD
I totally forgot about Polar projections leaking two points... gotta fix that :p

-BerZeKeR- said:
Hmm, Faerie Dragon, IlidanEvil(green) + AbsorbMana(blue) together, and then you attach one effect on caster and the second one on the target =)

Or maybe try out SpiritLink/AvatarOfVengeance

i would really like to see that green+blue one with vertex coloring, I think it would look sweet :D
Dark_Dragon said:
if u really want u can do that what -BZK- said, then it'll be great :D
I'll be giving his ideas a try tonight and update it :)

Dark_Dragon said:
Actually to explain groups!
what GUI does when u create global 'Unit Group' variable is that it generates function which is executed on map init before everything else and it sets that variables to this:

set udg_MyGroupVar = CreateGroup()

the creategroup is the only way to create group. when you set the group vars GUI does not have CreateGroup but it has advanced functions which use CreateGroup functions such as Pick every unit matching... or any of this will generate a new group. so if you are not changing the group but only removing and adding units there is no need to remove that group since you did not lost sight of it and you will again use it. but points well once you use them you cant move them and use again so thats why we remove the points. groups dont need to be destroyed if you will use it again (the same one).
Umm yes i get your point. I just thought it'll be more efficient if the group was removed when not in use and then created when needed, but i guess it would barely make any difference right...

Aspard said:
Why do you always write LOOOL after each sentence? :D
Haha! LOL? ;)

Aspard said:
About special effects, why not using whisps? :)
I'll give that a try too...

Thank you all guys for you efforts and help :)
As I always say: Appreciated!
Well didn't say that it does not contain leaks :p...... LOOOOL....
But still i wasn't checking for leaks i was making it 100% MUI LOOl ...
Why do you always write LOOOL after each sentence? :D

lool :D well i just said it leaks and was ofc kidding! like the hell ill blame u, it was my mistake to say it was MUI and leakless :O

Are you talking about the WaitCounter and the EffectOffsetCounter? and haha don't worry, im good at algorithms ;) but I just need to understand what u mean by this :p

no no i was just talking that when spell is casted multiple times and if some ends you should decrease that max counter, the same u do with current spell casts counter :)

but as said is not needed coz it rockzzzz this way toooo !!! :D

I totally forgot about Polar projections leaking two points... gotta fix that :p

np its ur first spell!

I'll be giving his ideas a try tonight and update it :)

well since its ur spell do what u want, its already cool but might be even more if u try that effects -BZK- suggested

Umm yes i get your point. I just thought it'll be more efficient if the group was removed when not in use and then created when needed, but i guess it would barely make any difference right...

:O lol thats actually called 'dynamic object works' and thats my fav and ofc best way of coding spells. but anyway if paladon did not work on that, then well maybe its k for u not to try. but do what u want :D

Thank you all guys for you efforts and help :)
As I always say: Appreciated!

np and greets all!
~Dark Dragon
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
UPDATED! Hopefully flawless now :D

Dark_Dragon said:
no no i was just talking that when spell is casted multiple times and if some ends you should decrease that max counter, the same u do with current spell casts counter :)
I'll leave that for later... I'm happy enough that I finally came to understand how the indexing system functions :) so until I make a new spell using some dynamic system like the one you're talking about, I wont adjust this...
you understand what i mean eh? :)

Anyways, I took BerZeKeR's advice and adjusted the special effects to what he said... I'm still at a confusion of which of the two are better (Phoenix or the Green/Blue/White) but decided to post this one...

I hope there's nothing more to fix! Believe me, I already didn't like GUI, now i came to hate it! but as i said, I won't be going fully going into vJass until I'm good with GUI :D

DarkDragon i have one question to know whether I gotta fix that or not...
In Jass, let's say I wanted to create the group, I'd insert:
if udg_CO_Debug == null then
    set udg_CO_Debug = CreateGroup()
That would be done in order not to create the group if it's already created, right?
Because when I do it in my spell, once the last instance of the spell ends, it give the message in-game about double-freeing the group...
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Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Well i cheked it out ......... one flaw ... try not to remove the units add an EXPIRATION time like 0.01 seconds to them.... they will create their death effect when they expire...
Then also remove the Special effects ... coz when they expire they will create those effects ...

This will help ur Trigger speed better :p
wooot nice effects!
thats when u listen to -BZK- :) he is quite creative
and np thats good coding really.

That would be done in order not to create the group if it's already created, right?
Because when I do it in my spell, once the last instance of the spell ends, it give the message in-game about double-freeing the group...

well the problem in jass is that when u destroy the group that variable which was pointing to group is not cleared. thats why we null them in order to free them coz if they are not! then that "if then else" you posted will never trigger coz even if group is destroyed its not cleared... which means its not null

so you have to do that this way:

call DestroyGroup(<whichGroup>)
set <whichGroup> = null // -> note this is a must

// and now
if <whichGroup> == null then
    set <whichGroup> = CreateGroup()

thats the correct way of doing it ;)

hope it helps!
~Dark Dragon
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Rmx said:
Well i cheked it out ......... one flaw ... try not to remove the units add an EXPIRATION time like 0.01 seconds to them.... they will create their death effect when they expire...
Then also remove the Special effects ... coz when they expire they will create those effects ...

This will help ur Trigger speed better :p
Well I'll sure do fix that ;) but not before a few days from now... I'm a bit exhausted of triggering :p

Dark_Dragon said:
wooot nice effects!
thats when u listen to -BZK- :) he is quite creative
and np thats good coding really.
Yupp BZK's idea with my spiral touch ended up being amazingg ;)

Dark_Dragon said:
well the problem in jass is that when u destroy the group that variable which was pointing to group is not cleared. thats why we null them in order to free them coz if they are not! then that "if then else" you posted will never trigger coz even if group is destroyed its not cleared... which means its not null

so you have to do that this way:

call DestroyGroup(<whichGroup>)
set <whichGroup> = null // -> note this is a must

// and now
if <whichGroup> == null then
    set <whichGroup> = CreateGroup()

thats the correct way of doing it ;)
Yupp I totally understand :D that would make the trigger a bit "custom script-y" but that's only for the sake of better efficiency! ;)
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
-BerZeKeR- said:
So you used the effects =)

Looks nice, still dunno if it works with projectile models, try to apply transparency(vertex coloring) to about 50-70, that would make dummies less visible and it would look even better :D
Yup used them and added the spiral, & VOILA! Oh & added you to the credits ;D
Anyways, vertex coloring isn't an option because only the missile would change color but the projectile particles won't...
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
I implemented this ability into my map, and I must say, the biggest problem is the lag, I've tried greatly reducing the visuals and it still lags if 4 or more instances of the ability is running, which is bad since it's a custom hero game so every player can choose it. I'm working on ways to reduce it but if you've got any suggestions I'd love to try em.

Level 4
Dec 14, 2023
such a unique spell. a shame he made such fantastic work and then never proceed to do more spells