addicted persons do have a life, please. Persons have values, some feel the need to be slim, some to be kind, beceause they had a kindful mother and now she died, some will not steal, beceause its against their values, and some will go on the computer, but its more a hobie now. Every little things can become addicting, but the computer have a longer range using smart tactics : mainly, you can communicate, and make fun of other persons, freely post your opinion, make digital art that may seems you impossible to do on a paper. There is some boring stuff on a computer, thats why we dont touch them, there is a lot of boring things, but the things we love are most likely specially made to please the viewers.
i dont see one playing everquest during three days as a weakling, nor someone that doesnt go on a computer a superior person, some things do their effect on the human simple psychology, mainly amusement. but it happened to me one whole day the computer was boring, but i was still on it. now im posting here, beceause oz or darky unbanned me for no apparant reasons