.....I'm bad at these kind of things but...Hope this helps?
For the spinning camera...
Create a camera on all sides of the area...
Whatever you want...
I suggest this one: Time elapsed: 0.01 seconds...
(Loop Actions....I think? Grrr...)
Apply Camera (1) for player (#) for 3.00 seconds (Reduced the number of seconds to get a faster...spinning thing...?
Apply Camera (2) for player (#) for 3.00 seconds
Apply Camera (3) Blah blah blah Then camera 4, (5, 6 , and 7 if you have them...)
Okay...The next trigger to stop the camera...
(Note: This is a trigger that stops a camera when you click on a unit. If you don't want this, change the condition and the event)
Event... A Player selects a units
Condition ... Boolean Comparison = Unit being selected is a hero equal to true
Action ....
Create (Unit) at (Region) for Player (#)
Turn off ( The first trigger)...
Blah...dunno if it works...