17:45, 13th Sep 2011
(0 ratings)
its pretty hard to see whether it is empty, full or half-full. if you don't know what the difference is. maybe you could make it more clear when it is empty or not. maybe the glow on top.
The gravitational force is not realistic about the position of the bottle.
The fluid should be aligned horizontally.
Overall seems good.
Make the background seeable through potion more white, and spread the background a little bit more everywhere around the potion. That way, you can keep a clean line when a flask is half-filled and other versions. Also, use a strong white color to resemble potion edges, but leave the others with faint glow, like artists do in Warcraft style. Overall, it's a neat idea, but needs more work.
I can see a lot of use of this in a pony map.
The perfect perfume bottle!