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- Feb 3, 2006
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The Blair Witch
By Shadowz123
(the story starts with 3 teenages about to go onto a quest so to speak, to hunt for the 'Blair Witch'. they are first at heathers house just about to leave for the trip.)
Heather - Well, im so exited to go on this trip!
Jeff - Yea, but, do you think we will find much?
Heather - i dont know...its just a wait and see thing...
Jeff - maybe...
Heather - we gotta go pick up mike, shall we go
Jeff - yea, lets go.
(the 2 drive to mikes house to pick him up)
Heather - Mike!
Mike - hi guys!
Jeff - Get in!
Mike - ok, i will...
Heather - come on mike
Mike - im putting my gear in.
Jeff - Goddamnit mike, get in!
Mike - Im in, lets go...jeez
Heather - finally, you wasted 30 seconds...
Mike - your kidding right?
Jeff - no we are not, we timed you!
Mike - ...
Heather - ok, stop it, lets just get there.
(they drive to the Burkittsville cemetary where heather starts the documentary)
Heather - behind me are grave stones, most of them are children, is this a sign? a sign of evil?
Jeff - no, its a sign of the city of burkittsville
Heather - no you dumbass, the deaths of the kids
Jeff - oh...sorry...
(heather starts walking whilst still talking)
Heather - these are also deaths in the forest, the forest we..
(heather trips over a gravestone making it fall over)
Heather - oh no, umm, oh no!
Mike - run! just run to the car, Run!
(they get in the car and drive to burkittsville and talk to the locals about the Blair Witch.)
Heather - so have you heard about the blair witch?
Man - yea, shes my wife!
Heather - excuse me?
man - shes over there!
(the women looks like a freak of nature, thick black hair, all over the place, she had furry arms and legs, she seemed to 'float' off the ground)
Heather - wow, what is it?
women - im a women you know! its my halloween costume!
Heather - oh...but how do you float?
(the women removes the minibike from underneath her)
Heather - ah, i see now...wait, is that a monkey riding the bike?
Monkey - oohh! Ahhh!!
Heather - Ahhh!
(they run from the evil monkey, which shortly after pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking it, then points angrily at heather. they go towards another person to ask about the blair witch.)
Heather - what do you think of the 'Blair Witch'?
Old man - well..i see her all the time!
Heather - you do?
Old man - yea, she comes into my room, and starts undressing...
heather - oh god! thats disgusting!
Heather - are you sure its not your wife?
old man - oh yea...sorry bout that darling...
old lady - i gonna kill you! Little bastard!
Old man - well, im in trouble...have fun looking for santa!
heather - Santa? were looking for...
Old man - oh sorry, the easter bunny, he comes into my room...starts undressing...
Heather - thats it...im outta here...
(they goto another person to ask about the blair witch)
Heather - so, what are you opinions about the blair witch?
Reverend - shes an evil woman, she married the devil she did, and he cast her wrath upon these lands to smite those who say bad of her
Heather - really now?
Reverend - she takes the kids, because they have toys, of which came from the depths of hell to look like the witch herself, so they play calling her the white women in black, offending her in one way or another and POOF they dissapear without a trace...except for the loud screams...
Heather - i think thats enough interveiwing...lets go!
(they pack up the camera and start driving to the location of where they must carry on-foot...they arrive at their destination, and start unpacking their gear)
Jeff - You got everything?
Heather - yeah i do.
Mike - yep, got my bag and essentials
(Jeff closes and locks the car)
Jeff - aww shit, i left my Bag in there...
Heather - Idiot...
Jeff - Sorry, i was too busy concentrating on you guys.
Heather - yea whatever, lets get going!
(they start trekking through the dense forest to find 'Coffin Rock')
Mike - whats that?
Heather - coffin rock
Jeff - ah, i heard that a search party was Disemboweled here...
Hetaher - yea, thats true.
Mike - Gross...i feel sick
(mike vomits, whilst heather reports on coffin rock. after the report they move out and come across piles of stones.)
Heather - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 stones...
Jeff - what are they?
Heather - Stones...
(a rock falls off)
Heather - did u just kick that?
Mike - yea! i wanted to!
Heather - oh my god, why did...
(heather see's mike building a stoneman)
Mike - there we go, a stoneman!
Heather - Umm, this dosent feel right...lets go set up camp away from here.
(they walk away and set up camp. later that night...)
*stones rattling*
Heather - can you hear that?
Jeff - hear what?
*Stones Rattling*
Mike - What is that?
Heather - listen!
Heather - excuse me...
Mike - Gross
Heather - Hello?
*Stones Clonking*
Jeff - hello?
Mike - Hello??
Heather - What is it...
Mike - *sings* We're at a place called Vertigo..
Heather - Shut up you fool Mike!
Jeff - someone playing a trick...
Heather - why would they do that?
Mike - because they got a sick mind, trying to scare us!
Heather - no, no-one would do that...
*stones Clonking*
Jeff - Hello?!
Heather - SSShhhhh
Jeff - God Damn it...
Heather - sorry, i had baked beans...
(they wait for 2 minutes...)
Jeff - its stopped...
Mike - im going back to sleep...
(they all go back to sleep, when they wake up they get a shock from whats outside their tent.)
Heather - what! there are these stones, like the ones at that place
Jeff - they werent here before we set up were they?
Heather - i dont think so.
Mike - This one says something...it reads
To Mike,
I ask you to stop kicking my stones over, they took me 2 minutes to make,
and all my Dead Skin and Fingernails went into it! so again, stop kicking my stones!
P.S. i love your little stone man! hes so cute...i named him rocky
Your Fan! *Kisses*
(mike is puzzled by what he read...)
Heather - see, now someones mad at you!
Mike - i dont care, At least that someone likes my Stoneman *Graceful Sigh* im happy now...
Heather - Mike, snap out of it!
Mike - oh, what? oh...lets move on!
Jeff - pack the stuff up, and start trekking.
(mike puts everything into his man purse)
Jeff - what the hell? how is that possible?
Heather - How is what possible?
Jeff - mike just put all our stuff into his little gay purse!
Mike - Its not gay, its the style...
Jeff - whatever...
(after a little bit, they continue walking)
Heather - gimme the map
Mike - here...
Heathers - thats a map of mcdonalds...
Mike - you asked for a map!
Heather - the map of the forest jackass...
Mike - oh, hang on
(mike opens his man-purse and reaches in, his hand goes so far in that he puts his entire top half of his body into the purse)
Mike - Ahah!
(mike pulls out a box)
Jeff - what is that?
Mike - maps...
(mike pulls out 4 other boxes out)
Jeff - *stunned* ...
Mike - Warcraft 3 maps, Starcraft maps, White house Maps, aha...Forest maps!
(mike gives heather the map and puts the boxes back into the box, and puts the box back into his purse)
Jeff - you should organize those better...
Mike - you should mind your own buisness...
Jeff - ok, im sorry!
Mike - you better be, or you arn't invited tonight.
Jeff - invited? to what?
(mike dosent say a thing for awhile)
heather - ok, we are going in the right direction, lets keep going straight!
(2 hours later its nearly nightfall)
Jeff - man, im really hungry...
(jeffs gets a small muesli bar from inside his bag)
Jeff - mmm, tasty!
Heather - dont eat so loud!
Jeff - you dont eat so loud!
Heather - i aint eating anything!
(they both turn around to see mike eating a massive cookie!, the cookie is so big mike's whole body is half the size of it)
jeff - Woah! where'd you get that?
Heather - i want one!
(mike reaches into his purse and grabs 2 more and gives them to jeff and heather)
Jeff - i dont care how he got it, im gonna eat it!
(the cookie took so long to eat, it was nightfall when they finished it)
Mike - can you get some sticks?
Heather - for a fire?
Mike - no, i'm making a nest.. Of course for a fire!
Heather - ok, wont be long
(heather returns with a bundle of sticks for a campfire)
Jeff - need a lighter?
Mike - no
Heather - ok...
(mike reaches into his purse and gets out a flame on his bare hands and places it on the fire)
Jeff - Cool!
Heather - didnt that hurt?
Mike - no...it was a 'controlled' flame
Jeff - oh...
(in a sudden gust of wind the fire spreads into the tree's)
Heather - Oh shit!
Jeff - Fuck!
Mike - Dont worry!
(mike reaches into his purse and gets out a firehose)
Jeff - thats it, im going over there...thats just too weird!
Mike - heather, hold the pipe!
Heather - uhh, ok...
(mike pulls the trigger and water burts out of the hose spraying the fire, eventually putting it out)
Heather - where does that hose come from?
Mike - i dunno...
(mike puts the hose back into the purse and shuts it, jeff eventually returns)
Jeff - so, what did you mean about the invitation?
Mike - *sigh*
(mike gets his purse and reaches in)
Mike - godamnit! can you help me here! put ur hand in and grab it, then pull!
(heather and jeff both reach in pulling out a massive building)
Jeff - holy shit!
Heather - What the hell!
Mike - you coming?
(mike walks in to find a steel mill)
Heather - umm, what is this?
Mike - just wait...
Worker 1 - ooh! theres a spark in your hair!
Worker 2 - get it! get it!!!
Heather - mike.......
Worker 3 - Hot stuff coming through!
Heather - MIKE....
(whistle blows)
Mike - here we go!
(the entire steel mill turns into a raging party with music in the background)
Jeff - oh my god...
Mike - *sings* Everybody dance now! Dun, dun dun dun Dun, dun dun dun
Heather - im getting out of here!
Jeff - Your all gay!!!
Worker 4 - oh be nice!
Jeff - Ahhh!
(they all run out, with heather dragging mike out)
Heather - explain!
Mike - hang on!
(mike puts the building back into the purse and shuts it)
Mike - well, i was in africa...and i saw this merchant and he had a few items on him store...i saw this purse and i said "isnt that just adorable!", the merchant just looked at me with a blank stare, then i gave him 2 dolla for it!
Heather - and then u found out it was magical...
Jeff - well, im going to bed!
Heather - yea, i just hope that didnt attract any unwelcome visitors...
Evil Monkey - Ooh ahh eeh!!
Mike - Ahhh!!
(later that night...)
Heather - Oh!!! what was that!
Heather - Eeek!
(Heather looks out to see a hairy women holding a book...the title is "Blair Witch for Dummies")
Heather - What the hell...
Hairy Women - Ahhh!!!
(the women runs away and seemed to be floating, she dropped a tape, the tape was called noises of the forest)
Heather - oh, so thats what those noises were...meh, sleepy time...
(they wake up to find Jelly all over Jeffs stuff)
*lick Lick*
Jeff - Mike!
Mike - sorry...its so yummy!
Jeff - thats my stuff!
Heather - who did this?
Jeff - i dunno...
Heather - lets just clean it off and and continue walking...
(they pack up jeffs stuff and continue trekking through the forest)
Jeff - what the fuck!
Mike - oh my god, what are they!?
Heather - they look like...people...
Stickman - we are people!
Jeff - What the hell!!
Heather - it talked to me...oooh, i feel so special!
Stickman - shut up you hoar!
Heather - Oi!! il kill you!
Stickman - well, you cant kill the undead...
(jeff pokes the stickman...nothing happens)
Jeff - yep, hes dead alright...
Stickman - Grrrr...
Mike - calm down there woody...
Heather - *chuckles*
Mike - oh, haha, ok, sticky!
Jeff - so it was you!!! Ahhh!!! ill get you!!
Stickman - what are you talking about
Jeff - the jelly on my stuff!
Stickman - if you dont know...im stuck the this piece of shit tree!
*Lick Lick*
Jeff - mike...
Mike - sorry...
Heather - so, what made you?
Stickman - a hairy women...
Heather - *gasps*
Jeff - you mean the chick at town in the costume?
Stickman - no...the one called the Blair Witch!
Jeff - Oh...
Heather - i saw her, she didnt seem to bad...
Stickman - yes, shes a bit dim-witted.
Heather - she was reading a book...
Stickman - oh, then she must be smart-ish
Heather - no...it was Blair Witch for Dummies
Stickman - oh, hehe who would make that book?
Jeff - i dunno...
Mike - well, were gonna keep going...
Stickman - wait, take me with you, i like to talk! and maybe listen
Heather - why not...
(later that night...)
Heather - Huh! what the hell...
Heather - What is that?
*its a scream you jackass!*
heather - it sounds like jeff...kind of...
Jeff - *quietly* Ahhhh!!
Mike - jeff i love you!
Heather - what?
Jeff - *quietly* What?
Mike - umm, nothing...
Heather - Where are you!?
Mike - Jeff!!!
Heather - Jeff!!!
Jeff - *quietly* Jeff!!!
Mike - where are you Jeff?
Heather - grab the torch...
(they walk through the eeerie forest at night searching for jeff...they come up to a cabin that looked old...)
Mike - jeff!
Heather - jeff!!
Mike - lets look inside...
(they look inside and see handprints on the wall...one reads: jeff was ere, 2006)
Heather - he was here...
Mike - how do you know?
Heather - it says it here...
Mike - oh...
Jeff - *quietly* Ahhh!!!
Heather - Jeff!
Mike - Oh god i love you!!
(they look around the house and find nothing, jeff goes into the basement...)
Mike - i need to relieve myself...*zip* ahhh...
(heather comes down)
Heather - Ahhhh!!! mike!!! Ahhhh!!! AHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Jeff - Shut up!!!
Mike - Nice one!...
The End!
The Blair Witch
By Shadowz123
(the story starts with 3 teenages about to go onto a quest so to speak, to hunt for the 'Blair Witch'. they are first at heathers house just about to leave for the trip.)
Heather - Well, im so exited to go on this trip!
Jeff - Yea, but, do you think we will find much?
Heather - i dont know...its just a wait and see thing...
Jeff - maybe...
Heather - we gotta go pick up mike, shall we go
Jeff - yea, lets go.
(the 2 drive to mikes house to pick him up)
Heather - Mike!
Mike - hi guys!
Jeff - Get in!
Mike - ok, i will...
Heather - come on mike
Mike - im putting my gear in.
Jeff - Goddamnit mike, get in!
Mike - Im in, lets go...jeez
Heather - finally, you wasted 30 seconds...
Mike - your kidding right?
Jeff - no we are not, we timed you!
Mike - ...
Heather - ok, stop it, lets just get there.
(they drive to the Burkittsville cemetary where heather starts the documentary)
Heather - behind me are grave stones, most of them are children, is this a sign? a sign of evil?
Jeff - no, its a sign of the city of burkittsville
Heather - no you dumbass, the deaths of the kids
Jeff - oh...sorry...
(heather starts walking whilst still talking)
Heather - these are also deaths in the forest, the forest we..
(heather trips over a gravestone making it fall over)
Heather - oh no, umm, oh no!
Mike - run! just run to the car, Run!
(they get in the car and drive to burkittsville and talk to the locals about the Blair Witch.)
Heather - so have you heard about the blair witch?
Man - yea, shes my wife!
Heather - excuse me?
man - shes over there!
(the women looks like a freak of nature, thick black hair, all over the place, she had furry arms and legs, she seemed to 'float' off the ground)
Heather - wow, what is it?
women - im a women you know! its my halloween costume!
Heather - oh...but how do you float?
(the women removes the minibike from underneath her)
Heather - ah, i see now...wait, is that a monkey riding the bike?
Monkey - oohh! Ahhh!!
Heather - Ahhh!
(they run from the evil monkey, which shortly after pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking it, then points angrily at heather. they go towards another person to ask about the blair witch.)
Heather - what do you think of the 'Blair Witch'?
Old man - well..i see her all the time!
Heather - you do?
Old man - yea, she comes into my room, and starts undressing...
heather - oh god! thats disgusting!
Heather - are you sure its not your wife?
old man - oh yea...sorry bout that darling...
old lady - i gonna kill you! Little bastard!
Old man - well, im in trouble...have fun looking for santa!
heather - Santa? were looking for...
Old man - oh sorry, the easter bunny, he comes into my room...starts undressing...
Heather - thats it...im outta here...
(they goto another person to ask about the blair witch)
Heather - so, what are you opinions about the blair witch?
Reverend - shes an evil woman, she married the devil she did, and he cast her wrath upon these lands to smite those who say bad of her
Heather - really now?
Reverend - she takes the kids, because they have toys, of which came from the depths of hell to look like the witch herself, so they play calling her the white women in black, offending her in one way or another and POOF they dissapear without a trace...except for the loud screams...
Heather - i think thats enough interveiwing...lets go!
(they pack up the camera and start driving to the location of where they must carry on-foot...they arrive at their destination, and start unpacking their gear)
Jeff - You got everything?
Heather - yeah i do.
Mike - yep, got my bag and essentials
(Jeff closes and locks the car)
Jeff - aww shit, i left my Bag in there...
Heather - Idiot...
Jeff - Sorry, i was too busy concentrating on you guys.
Heather - yea whatever, lets get going!
(they start trekking through the dense forest to find 'Coffin Rock')
Mike - whats that?
Heather - coffin rock
Jeff - ah, i heard that a search party was Disemboweled here...
Hetaher - yea, thats true.
Mike - Gross...i feel sick
(mike vomits, whilst heather reports on coffin rock. after the report they move out and come across piles of stones.)
Heather - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 stones...
Jeff - what are they?
Heather - Stones...
(a rock falls off)
Heather - did u just kick that?
Mike - yea! i wanted to!
Heather - oh my god, why did...
(heather see's mike building a stoneman)
Mike - there we go, a stoneman!
Heather - Umm, this dosent feel right...lets go set up camp away from here.
(they walk away and set up camp. later that night...)
*stones rattling*
Heather - can you hear that?
Jeff - hear what?
*Stones Rattling*
Mike - What is that?
Heather - listen!
Heather - excuse me...
Mike - Gross
Heather - Hello?
*Stones Clonking*
Jeff - hello?
Mike - Hello??
Heather - What is it...
Mike - *sings* We're at a place called Vertigo..
Heather - Shut up you fool Mike!
Jeff - someone playing a trick...
Heather - why would they do that?
Mike - because they got a sick mind, trying to scare us!
Heather - no, no-one would do that...
*stones Clonking*
Jeff - Hello?!
Heather - SSShhhhh
Jeff - God Damn it...
Heather - sorry, i had baked beans...
(they wait for 2 minutes...)
Jeff - its stopped...
Mike - im going back to sleep...
(they all go back to sleep, when they wake up they get a shock from whats outside their tent.)
Heather - what! there are these stones, like the ones at that place
Jeff - they werent here before we set up were they?
Heather - i dont think so.
Mike - This one says something...it reads
To Mike,
I ask you to stop kicking my stones over, they took me 2 minutes to make,
and all my Dead Skin and Fingernails went into it! so again, stop kicking my stones!
P.S. i love your little stone man! hes so cute...i named him rocky
Your Fan! *Kisses*
(mike is puzzled by what he read...)
Heather - see, now someones mad at you!
Mike - i dont care, At least that someone likes my Stoneman *Graceful Sigh* im happy now...
Heather - Mike, snap out of it!
Mike - oh, what? oh...lets move on!
Jeff - pack the stuff up, and start trekking.
(mike puts everything into his man purse)
Jeff - what the hell? how is that possible?
Heather - How is what possible?
Jeff - mike just put all our stuff into his little gay purse!
Mike - Its not gay, its the style...
Jeff - whatever...
(after a little bit, they continue walking)
Heather - gimme the map
Mike - here...
Heathers - thats a map of mcdonalds...
Mike - you asked for a map!
Heather - the map of the forest jackass...
Mike - oh, hang on
(mike opens his man-purse and reaches in, his hand goes so far in that he puts his entire top half of his body into the purse)
Mike - Ahah!
(mike pulls out a box)
Jeff - what is that?
Mike - maps...
(mike pulls out 4 other boxes out)
Jeff - *stunned* ...
Mike - Warcraft 3 maps, Starcraft maps, White house Maps, aha...Forest maps!
(mike gives heather the map and puts the boxes back into the box, and puts the box back into his purse)
Jeff - you should organize those better...
Mike - you should mind your own buisness...
Jeff - ok, im sorry!
Mike - you better be, or you arn't invited tonight.
Jeff - invited? to what?
(mike dosent say a thing for awhile)
heather - ok, we are going in the right direction, lets keep going straight!
(2 hours later its nearly nightfall)
Jeff - man, im really hungry...
(jeffs gets a small muesli bar from inside his bag)
Jeff - mmm, tasty!
Heather - dont eat so loud!
Jeff - you dont eat so loud!
Heather - i aint eating anything!
(they both turn around to see mike eating a massive cookie!, the cookie is so big mike's whole body is half the size of it)
jeff - Woah! where'd you get that?
Heather - i want one!
(mike reaches into his purse and grabs 2 more and gives them to jeff and heather)
Jeff - i dont care how he got it, im gonna eat it!
(the cookie took so long to eat, it was nightfall when they finished it)
Mike - can you get some sticks?
Heather - for a fire?
Mike - no, i'm making a nest.. Of course for a fire!
Heather - ok, wont be long
(heather returns with a bundle of sticks for a campfire)
Jeff - need a lighter?
Mike - no
Heather - ok...
(mike reaches into his purse and gets out a flame on his bare hands and places it on the fire)
Jeff - Cool!
Heather - didnt that hurt?
Mike - no...it was a 'controlled' flame
Jeff - oh...
(in a sudden gust of wind the fire spreads into the tree's)
Heather - Oh shit!
Jeff - Fuck!
Mike - Dont worry!
(mike reaches into his purse and gets out a firehose)
Jeff - thats it, im going over there...thats just too weird!
Mike - heather, hold the pipe!
Heather - uhh, ok...
(mike pulls the trigger and water burts out of the hose spraying the fire, eventually putting it out)
Heather - where does that hose come from?
Mike - i dunno...
(mike puts the hose back into the purse and shuts it, jeff eventually returns)
Jeff - so, what did you mean about the invitation?
Mike - *sigh*
(mike gets his purse and reaches in)
Mike - godamnit! can you help me here! put ur hand in and grab it, then pull!
(heather and jeff both reach in pulling out a massive building)
Jeff - holy shit!
Heather - What the hell!
Mike - you coming?
(mike walks in to find a steel mill)
Heather - umm, what is this?
Mike - just wait...
Worker 1 - ooh! theres a spark in your hair!
Worker 2 - get it! get it!!!
Heather - mike.......
Worker 3 - Hot stuff coming through!
Heather - MIKE....
(whistle blows)
Mike - here we go!
(the entire steel mill turns into a raging party with music in the background)
Jeff - oh my god...
Mike - *sings* Everybody dance now! Dun, dun dun dun Dun, dun dun dun
Heather - im getting out of here!
Jeff - Your all gay!!!
Worker 4 - oh be nice!
Jeff - Ahhh!
(they all run out, with heather dragging mike out)
Heather - explain!
Mike - hang on!
(mike puts the building back into the purse and shuts it)
Mike - well, i was in africa...and i saw this merchant and he had a few items on him store...i saw this purse and i said "isnt that just adorable!", the merchant just looked at me with a blank stare, then i gave him 2 dolla for it!
Heather - and then u found out it was magical...
Jeff - well, im going to bed!
Heather - yea, i just hope that didnt attract any unwelcome visitors...
Evil Monkey - Ooh ahh eeh!!
Mike - Ahhh!!
(later that night...)
Heather - Oh!!! what was that!
Heather - Eeek!
(Heather looks out to see a hairy women holding a book...the title is "Blair Witch for Dummies")
Heather - What the hell...
Hairy Women - Ahhh!!!
(the women runs away and seemed to be floating, she dropped a tape, the tape was called noises of the forest)
Heather - oh, so thats what those noises were...meh, sleepy time...
(they wake up to find Jelly all over Jeffs stuff)
*lick Lick*
Jeff - Mike!
Mike - sorry...its so yummy!
Jeff - thats my stuff!
Heather - who did this?
Jeff - i dunno...
Heather - lets just clean it off and and continue walking...
(they pack up jeffs stuff and continue trekking through the forest)
Jeff - what the fuck!
Mike - oh my god, what are they!?
Heather - they look like...people...
Stickman - we are people!
Jeff - What the hell!!
Heather - it talked to me...oooh, i feel so special!
Stickman - shut up you hoar!
Heather - Oi!! il kill you!
Stickman - well, you cant kill the undead...
(jeff pokes the stickman...nothing happens)
Jeff - yep, hes dead alright...
Stickman - Grrrr...
Mike - calm down there woody...
Heather - *chuckles*
Mike - oh, haha, ok, sticky!
Jeff - so it was you!!! Ahhh!!! ill get you!!
Stickman - what are you talking about
Jeff - the jelly on my stuff!
Stickman - if you dont know...im stuck the this piece of shit tree!
*Lick Lick*
Jeff - mike...
Mike - sorry...
Heather - so, what made you?
Stickman - a hairy women...
Heather - *gasps*
Jeff - you mean the chick at town in the costume?
Stickman - no...the one called the Blair Witch!
Jeff - Oh...
Heather - i saw her, she didnt seem to bad...
Stickman - yes, shes a bit dim-witted.
Heather - she was reading a book...
Stickman - oh, then she must be smart-ish
Heather - no...it was Blair Witch for Dummies
Stickman - oh, hehe who would make that book?
Jeff - i dunno...
Mike - well, were gonna keep going...
Stickman - wait, take me with you, i like to talk! and maybe listen
Heather - why not...
(later that night...)
Heather - Huh! what the hell...
Heather - What is that?
*its a scream you jackass!*
heather - it sounds like jeff...kind of...
Jeff - *quietly* Ahhhh!!
Mike - jeff i love you!
Heather - what?
Jeff - *quietly* What?
Mike - umm, nothing...
Heather - Where are you!?
Mike - Jeff!!!
Heather - Jeff!!!
Jeff - *quietly* Jeff!!!
Mike - where are you Jeff?
Heather - grab the torch...
(they walk through the eeerie forest at night searching for jeff...they come up to a cabin that looked old...)
Mike - jeff!
Heather - jeff!!
Mike - lets look inside...
(they look inside and see handprints on the wall...one reads: jeff was ere, 2006)
Heather - he was here...
Mike - how do you know?
Heather - it says it here...
Mike - oh...
Jeff - *quietly* Ahhh!!!
Heather - Jeff!
Mike - Oh god i love you!!
(they look around the house and find nothing, jeff goes into the basement...)
Mike - i need to relieve myself...*zip* ahhh...
(heather comes down)
Heather - Ahhhh!!! mike!!! Ahhhh!!! AHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Jeff - Shut up!!!
Mike - Nice one!...
The End!