Birds of energy [ice] v1.5

sends a [ice] wave folowed by a bird that deals 30/60/90 damage when in contact with enemies. with a final explosion dealing 200/400/600 damage to all units nearby.

bug free
MUI ( for sure this time xD)
leak less
lag less


i made this spell on a request from sirlanceolot (not on hive)

also took kingz advice and removed units when they die. Unfortunately it did not fix the effect permanency so i will take into consideration of using different effects.

birds of energy,birds,of,energy,frost,water,ice,cheese,bannanas,oranges,aaron79

bird of energy (Map)

20:30, 3rd Oct 2009 The_Reborn_Devil: Couldn't find any leaks, it's MUI and the triggering looks good. Effects fit and there aren't too much of it either, maybe a little big, but that's ok. Spell Approved. I give this spell the rating Useful.




20:30, 3rd Oct 2009

Couldn't find any leaks, it's MUI and the triggering looks good.
Effects fit and there aren't too much of it either, maybe a little big, but that's ok.
Spell Approved.
I give this spell the rating Useful.
[+] Eye Candy
[+] Leakless
[+] Has documentation

[!] I personally think that making the missile to be like shockwave instead of letting it move to the targeted point is better

User Comment
Not much to say here, the spell looks good. Bugless, leakless. The only thing is the presentation of the spell doesn't look good =D I don't know why did you add a gate -.- wasting my time breaking it XD

Possibilities of Improvement
Improve Spell Tooltip
4/5 Recomended
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
I don't see any bird :p
Btw the ice nova effect stays in the ground forever so that is a - .
Use this:

Remove Dummy
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Dies
  • Conditions
    • Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (==) Dummy Unit
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (==) Dummy Unit1
  • Actions
    • Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
Also the effects are a bit piled up and too big.
Give me a little time and i will suggest you some really epic effects ;)
Also somewhat simple :p
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
Your spell is not MUI

The loop_Off[BE_array2] = True you didn't into false when the distane finishes, so it will BUG other Indexes.

2/5 for me :)

already fixed thanks for notify i used something else than false that works. it is mui even with that problem it just stoped at wrong time. so i fixed it bu setting the variable -1 to check if it was greater than 0 every time. but the fact that u say it will stop is false because i showed you only a screen shot of the triggering and it doesn't bug it was an efficiency problem but i guess you couldn't see that with only a screen shot should u ^^



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
already fixed thanks for notify i used something else than false that works. it is mui even with that problem it just stoped at wrong time. so i fixed it bu setting the variable -1 to check if it was greater than 0 every time. but the fact that u say it will stop is false because i showed you only a screen shot of the triggering and it doesn't bug it was an efficiency problem but i guess you couldn't see that with only a screen shot should u ^^

EDIT : ... you have a good point there :p .... :p 8)
Last edited:
Level 9
Nov 25, 2008
Well I totally agree with kingz, quite large effects, and no birds, but I already know you for your weird spell names and that doesn't matter, since everyone can change it :)

I found no bugs in this spell and you really improved your triggering a lot. Though this spell is really decent and nothing special you did a great job. 5/5 because you really improved a lot!

Off Topic: Good luck @ Hero Contest
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
Well I totally agree with kingz, quite large effects, and no birds, but I already know you for your weird spell names and that doesn't matter, since everyone can change it :)

I found no bugs in this spell and you really improved your triggering a lot. Though this spell is really decent and nothing special you did a great job. 5/5 because you really improved a lot!

Off Topic: Good luck @ Hero Contest

lul thanks ^^
Level 4
Aug 3, 2011
  • init nova
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Dummy Unit
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Dummy Unit 1
    • Actions
      • Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
      • -------- Sorry kingz but it didnt fix the permanent ice problem >.> i will try using different effects in future updates --------
here's your wrong , a unit impossible is unit 1 / unit 2 in same time.