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Assassin's Way

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Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
Well hello everyone i was playing assassins creed and i tohuhgt to myself that would be a cool game on wc3 i later left to go out with some friends but i was still tihnking aobut it so i started to making it alittle
the story line would be as follow
You start out as a lowly member of the assassin guild
you are then given quests to get information and assassin targets

this game would be muliplayer game where you can stop others from finishing their assignments by killing them or you can work together to finish them
so if you have and ideas suggestions i would like it
Level 2
Jul 19, 2007
Ninja Vs Samuri is a games where there are ninjas and samuri and they fight, although I see it less on Bnet noradays - but your idea sounds good anyway as long as the ablities are good.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
ninja vs sam. is nothing like an assassins creed type map would be like... although i'm curious to see how this map will be anything like assassins creed other then the guild and its missions.(hope they aren't as repetitive as Assassin's creed's either.
Level 4
Feb 17, 2008
Nice idea a assasins creed map :)
i have some ideas :
1.It woudl be cool if you get +1 wood evry time u kill your target but if the target is harder to reach or kill you can get +3 +5 +7.....With wood points can buy special items or special stuff
2.As you kill your targets or other players you have a reputation.
(low level)-assasins acolite:rep 1
(normal)-official assasin:rep 4
(strong)-powerful assasin rep 6
(legendary)-elite assasin rep 8
(untuchable)- immortal rep 15
these name are some examples.Your will be able to buy item from special shops depending on your reputation.
3.At the beginning of the game you will have 0 rep so you won't be attacked by guards. As you advance you will be anbushed by stronger guards in difrent locations.
4.At evry 6 minutes there will be duels.You gain a special random item as prise and gold if you win.The dueling area is full of traps only the center is free of traps.If your oponent is srtonger than you you can risk geting killed by traps.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Reputation is good except your idea for guards attacking you is dumb and del sucks.

Should have a high profile mode using metamorphesis

shop be assassins' bureu and have few items like new swords, replenish throwing knives, random mission items

have rep for the clan, and rep for random factions to gain trusts and earn your way close to your target, then POW
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