Animation controller types
Position/Rotation/Scale controllers must be Bezier, Linear or TCB. Opacity and visibility can be Bezier, Linear TCB or On/Off. The Parameter Curve Out-of-Range types can be set to Constant (default) or Cycle (for global looping animation). IK chains or character studio bipeds are not supported.
The Bezier controller can make a no-interpolation stepped sequence by using the Bezier Key Info, In and Out Tangents, Step type. For more information, use 3ds max help and search for “Bezier step tangent type”. This approach requires all the keys in that controller track to be of the Tangents to Step type, but it can give instant transforms quite unlike other animation controller blended transforms.
On/Off visibility controllers are treated as status toggle switch and can be inverted by a parent’s On/Off controller. If a parent bone’s visibility track is animated off and the child’s is animated off as well, the model can become corrupted in Warcraft III, because its origin node has been removed from the animation, yet the child becomes visible. This can cause strange effects, like children bones that become attached to random objects.