Arena Fight.
Reviewer's Description: Arena fight is a team based hero arena, where two teams duke it out in an arena divided into sections. The two teams must fight each other in the hectic maze.
The Good
-Clevar Arena design, divided sections make for fun encounters. ++ Originality
-Game can be fun among friends. + Fun Factor
-Technically speaking, there are no "Bugs" + Technicality
The Bad
-Hereos are from Warcraft III, un-original and boring. ---Originality / - Fan Factor
-The divided sections dont really serve a purpose - Technicality
-There is no timer to indicate when the game ends.(But it does) - Technicality
-No creeps, the only thing you will be fighting is the opposing team. Which makes levelling a grindfest, difficult and boring. -- Fun Factor - Technicality
-The Map is 3.013 MB for what reason?! I checked the imports to find that you imported 2 songs that are already in warcraft. They are already in , you can use them through the sound editor, why did you import them in and waste 3 Mb??! --- Technicality
-This map is multiplayer only (- Bonus)
-This map is Unprotected (+ Bonus)
-This map is over 2 Mb (- Bonus)
-Mercy Point, this map is still in beta and is un finished. (+ Mercy Bonus)
Final Verdict:
2.5/5 (Passable)
While there is nothing wrong with this map, the fact remains that it's just plain BORING. There is no real Fun Factor in using Warcraft III Hereos to fight nothing but the enemy who is also using Warcraft III hereos. The boring and linear gameplay is further hampered down but the bland terrain. Despite a creative design in the arena, where it is divided into sections that can be accesed in order horizontally, or vertically which makes for fun encounters. It does not spare this map the utter fact that it is boring. And finnaly, this map is 3 MB and has no visible imports in game. The reason? The author imported 2 songs (Power of the horde and another) that are already INSIDE Warcraft III, obviously not realizing that he can simply use them without re-importing them, needlessly adding 3 MB to the size.
Remove the Songs and this map is passable.
This map is fun with friends... for about 5 minutes. Play Melee instead. That being said, this map is still in beta.
This map is approvable.