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Are You Smoking?

Are You Smoking?

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Level 7
Nov 26, 2004
I don't smoke, you see, it's bad for your health and blah blah..

I have tried it... twice :roll:
and I think it just don't suit me
Level 9
May 7, 2005
smoking is not ellegant, not nice, and not healthy

there is no reason for anyone to smoke, besides, i dont want to get addicted
Level 6
Jan 15, 2005
Guys... no one should smoke. Let me tell you a story (This is all true):

My next door neighbors smoke. Yet their rich because they're smart. One's a brokerer and the other's a automobile fixer. Either way, they smoke. One day I sat down with the guy there and this is what he told me:
"Smoking is like jogging while sitting, sprinting while jogging, and unable to breath while sprinting. This is why no runners smoke... because they lose breathing quality."
I asked him, "Why'd you start in the first place?"
And he said, "My friends one day were sitting around smoking at my favorite place. I seemed not to fit in and decided to go and join them. They all said that they were fine and have been smoking for a long time, but now, I'm panting for breath almost always and can't improve my breathing in any way."
I asked him, "What does it feel like, though?"
He replied, "I explained most of it before, but there's more to it. Sometimes you can't swallow for no reason, sometimes you get drowzy in the middle of doing something really active for no real reason, and, most of all, you get sick VERY often. That's why I'm glad my wife has a job she can do on the computer at home."

That's everything he said while we were cooking s'mores over a fire one night. I learned alot and that night oathed never to smoke... ever.



Level 7
Dec 10, 2003
according to what i know and have seen, no1 starts to smkoe because he likes it - its always to make a 'cool' impression on your friends. unfortunately, after smoking on a regular basis for some time, people do start to develop a need for it, and its sad, becuase they have never and never will enjoy it, but they cant stop. i had a friend who went exactly through the same thing.

i personally never found smoking adictable :p its really bad :roll:



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Yes thats the problem. But the smoke of cigarretes.... its bad for people who are around smelling it, its like if that people that were smelling it were smoking too... But i hate when people start smoking just because want to make a "cool" impression on friends. Why is it cool? Just cause they have a stupid and useless thing on their mouth?
I don't really thing smoke is good, and if you were asking this because you wanted to know how "good/bad" it was, i tell you, and basing on all other advices, SMOKE IS BAD :evil: :evil:
Level 9
May 7, 2005
i totally agree with u U.V

unfortunately these kind of situations do not happen only with cigars at all. it happens with drugs too. guys trying to make an impression of themselves start taking "light" drugs always thinking " I can stop whenever i wish, i'm the man, i control myself"

what they do not realize, or do and are arrogant enough to engage themselves in a fight between their cerebral instigations in their subconscious. this is chemical. u wont have control of urself, it will take over u completely until u will have nothing besides the everlasting will of taking more and more

so i repeat ddngw advice: do not even try it, or u will like it, and will lose control of urself

even so, u dont have to prove nothing to no one. if u are certain of what u are and what u do want to do u already have acomplished an objective that not everyone can. u will be urself, and no one is better than this.

just thought it was useful to push the anti drugs stuff, not wanting to violate the rules, its just a warning, like most of the users here are beggining their pubescence or finishing it (like me)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Well smoke is bad and final point. This was a good topic to talk about, ah and for god's sake dont be lazy and vote, only 6 votes lol. And i "think" that there are more than 6 people who view this and more than 6 people in the site :lol: .
I agree with Raiju, "im the man"... the "males" usually think they are the best, at leats here in Portugal, only because of their physique. I don't think so, cause the "males" are usually stupid and idiots (some of them, not all). And thats why I think there are more men witch: are drunk/smokers/or get any type of drug. Let's just say that women are more careful with this. I sometimes think in how much pain this things have brought to the world, just think about it, i sometimes feel like closing my eyes and never wake up, cause in many ways this world sucks, and thats a thing that i cannot ignore. Maybe thats because sometimes i completly loose my head, and i feel like making anything for leaving "this wretched world" i think...
And i also think in the "pain of nature". Just that humans bring many suffering to nature, but nature always counters... experiences in the sea, etc... always causes epicenters... from epicenters to tsunamis... and i think i don't need to say the results. :?
I know that this doesnt always happens cause of men, but USUALLY happens cause of them. Humans usually bring the curses uppon themselves, and then they whine, just ignoring the fact that its THEIR fault. I know that no1 borned cause he/she wanted, i just think that if people want a better world, they have to work for it, not just stay there sited waiting for a train. Ive asked my parents about this (they are not smokers, fortenetly);

Me: If people want a better world, why don't they just stop making this kinds of drug?
Father: Cause if the factory of ciggaretes (sorry butmy english is still not very good, still in the 6º year :lol: ) stopped, people wouldnt have work and that would lead to more "poor people" (i dont know this word too :cry: ).
Me: Money? Is that all what people care about? Money doesnt cure wounds, can't people see that? I think the world would be much better without this drugs, this is useless, stupid, and vicious.

Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
tries to act like he's not the person that voted he is
ok, i only have a few things I'd like to say:
a. yes i smoke b. yes I've tried to quit and c. people need to realize that there is alot more to smoking that what most realize.
there is no reason for anyone to smoke, besides, i dont want to get addicted
smoking calms nerves and relaxes a person. also some smoking can smell quite good. my thought is that you people are only, or at least mostly, thinking of cigarettes... there are alot of other things out there
yeah. smoking is for lameass idiots who want to throw away their lives.
something tells me you just wanted to start trouble. so all I'll say is that there is no reason to flame anyone for any reason. especially for simply smoking... please
I hate the smoke of cigarretes!
as alot of people do. me? i grew up around it, and was addicted to 2nd hand smoke from around the age of 6
according to what i know and have seen, no1 starts to smkoe because he likes it - its always to make a 'cool' impression on your friends
first off i just presented an example of how i didnt start with it being cool. (actually i think i smoked my own first cigarette at age 12 just to get at my parents... lets not get into that.
I dun smoke either, i no some really healthy people that started smoking, and since havin a cig makes u not hungry, she actually became annorexic
hmm it does that? I've read alot of reports and never heard anything about it... in fact I'm 20 years old, 5'11" and 235 lbs... i do actually have a small life beyond the computer, so i do get my excercise and everything. then again as Raiju said in the post above
this is chemical
it can have different effects on different people, and as i think he is hinting to, everyone is at least a little different
This was a good topic to talk about, ah and for god's sake dont be lazy and vote, only 6 votes lol.
my only point to this last quote is that with as much one way talking I'm likely now to get spammed with hate PMs simply because i spoke my mind. ever think that maybe that was the same thought that went through the other people that viewed - but didnt post or vote?
on another note:
yes it does cost alot, specially if you add it up per year.
all forms of smoking that i know of is quite addictive.
there are potential health risks, but there are the same in a mcdonalds burger or anything else you eat or drink.(and if you think smoking is bad, try buying a bowl of chili and finding someones finger like this)
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
smoking isnt NOT be my style....
If i HAD a style
(took me 5 mins to remeber my password :p)
EDIT:Well, i feel sorry for the guy above..... being addicted from 2nd.... would suck, luckily, none of my relatives smoke, or not since i was born anyway
Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
hey now... dont go feeling sorry for me because my parents smoked alot and my grandparent smoked so much you open the door and a rectangular blob of smoke shoots 15 foot outside... and the fact i have pictures of me being literally green.
its not a big deal to me as I've been smoking for so long I've forgotten the point besides how well it calms me and that everytime i try to quit something really really bad happens... (last time i got a letter saying i had a warrent out for my arrest since august of 2003... that was 3 months ago)
my biggest deal is that a thread like this should be used for general wonder, not "OMG U SMOKE SO UR BAD!"
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
You do know that whole finger in the chili thing was fake right? The woman only did it for money, and apparently, she had done it before to other restaraunts.

Now about the topic, I've never smoked, and I don't intend to start. I actually find that I have trouble breathing around people who do, and not because of the noxious smell. I won't judge anyone who does smoke, you can do it if you want, just get back to me when you get lung cancer about how it calms your nerves.

And yes I'm talking about cigarettes, not drugs. People who do drugs are just asking for their lives to be destroyed.

And those are my thoughts and opinions.

Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
oh if that was a hint of worry i dont smoke cigarettes all that often anymore, I've moved on to a tobacco pipe... much cleaner and better for all parties... and i love the smell of vanilla cavendish :D
Level 22
May 11, 2004
This is how I smoke

Minkorok said:
tries to act like he's not the person that voted he is
ok, i only have a few things I'd like to say:
a. yes i smoke b. yes I've tried to quit and c. people need to realize that there is alot more to smoking that what most realize.
there is no reason for anyone to smoke, besides, i dont want to get addicted
smoking calms nerves and relaxes a person. also some smoking can smell quite good. my thought is that you people are only, or at least mostly, thinking of cigarettes... there are alot of other things out there
yeah. smoking is for lameass idiots who want to throw away their lives.
something tells me you just wanted to start trouble. so all I'll say is that there is no reason to flame anyone for any reason. especially for simply smoking... please
I hate the smoke of cigarretes!
as alot of people do. me? i grew up around it, and was addicted to 2nd hand smoke from around the age of 6
according to what i know and have seen, no1 starts to smkoe because he likes it - its always to make a 'cool' impression on your friends
first off i just presented an example of how i didnt start with it being cool. (actually i think i smoked my own first cigarette at age 12 just to get at my parents... lets not get into that.
I dun smoke either, i no some really healthy people that started smoking, and since havin a cig makes u not hungry, she actually became annorexic
hmm it does that? I've read alot of reports and never heard anything about it... in fact I'm 20 years old, 5'11" and 235 lbs... i do actually have a small life beyond the computer, so i do get my excercise and everything. then again as Raiju said in the post above
this is chemical
it can have different effects on different people, and as i think he is hinting to, everyone is at least a little different
This was a good topic to talk about, ah and for god's sake dont be lazy and vote, only 6 votes lol.
my only point to this last quote is that with as much one way talking I'm likely now to get spammed with hate PMs simply because i spoke my mind. ever think that maybe that was the same thought that went through the other people that viewed - but didnt post or vote?
on another note:
yes it does cost alot, specially if you add it up per year.
all forms of smoking that i know of is quite addictive.
there are potential health risks, but there are the same in a mcdonalds burger or anything else you eat or drink.(and if you think smoking is bad, try buying a bowl of chili and finding someones finger like this)

tsk tsk tsk. a typical smoker trying to stick up for his nicotine. as for the calming nerves thing. yes i can agree that that is true, but how long until that relaxation from a cigarette/pipe/poison wears off hmm? 20 maybe 30 minutes? yes it can have different effects on dofferent people such as someone already having health risks after their first week. yes there are health risks to eating mcdonalds so i'll simply put it fair: both people who eat at mcdonalds and people who smoke are stupid. you always think youre gonna quit since you know youre cutting down, but you never really quit until you do it. also, smoking a pipe may cause you to inhail less smoke, but it produces more tar so it can cause more risks of getting lip or mouth cancer. also the real scented and flavored tobacco is actually twice as wose in cancer risks. so good luck getting cancer and contributing to the delpletion of the ozone layer. :D

ps. smoking kills, just ask mr. krinkels.
Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
as far as a pipe is concerned it is considered how it is smoked as to how much tar you have, and actually less cancer risk - do your homework.
no I'm not trying to "stick up for nicotine" and I'm definately not stupid. please reread where I mentioned the reason i am posting in this string in the first place.

-if you cant be mature about a topic... please dont post. it just wastes everyones time



Level 5
Apr 7, 2005
Sometimes i do, twice a week or something, only when im bored, i never buy my own cigaretes, and sometimes i smoke weed(its legal in the netherlands)
Level 7
Nov 26, 2004
DarkShadow said:
VGsatomi, that way of smoking could be unhealthy for other people :lol:

so what? have you seen anyone who actually cares about other people's health these days?
even doctors' are so corrupted that they have same way of smoking than VG :roll: :D
Level 3
Dec 11, 2004
I dont smoke but i respect those people who smoke everyone says crapy things about smoking cause you know you never tried.Those people sayin its not my style are Liars Yuo dont know what is a vice.I dont smoke because its unhealthy.It just needs some determinat ion to say no I think I do unhealthier things whitout doing anything anormal or ilegal just shut up and respect everyone´s likes.
Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
just realized that someone actually said that the finger in the chili thing was a fake. Let me just say something now... i will never NEVER post something unless its a question, or unless i know that I'm talking about. wendies still has a 50,000 reward for whoever first leads them to the owner of the finger. DNA testing hasnt found anything so far(c'mon give them time... it was cooked) and no owner has yet been found. it is a real finger, and if you still dont believe me then heres a few sites you should read.

REAL sites not fake sites. these things dont happen often but they do happen. get use to it.
Woman Who Found Finger in Chili May Sue
Police Probe Woman Who Found Finger, wow that just sounds wrong...
Silicon Insider: Learning From Terri Schiavo, 2nd paragraph, at the bottom of that paragraph.

if you would like to continue to dispute this issue PLEASE give me facts, not just your word... a news report would work :)
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Minkorok said:
oh if that was a hint of worry i dont smoke cigarettes all that often anymore, I've moved on to a tobacco pipe... much cleaner and better for all parties... and i love the smell of vanilla cavendish :D

Oh, don't worry, I'm certainly not worrying over you smoking. I have much more important things to think about, and besides, I honestly couldn't care less if you gave yourself lung cancer. To me, your possible death would just mean one less smoker in the world, and I truly wouldn't mind one bit.

And about the finger in the Chili: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7636874/

Btw, nice pic Elfy. =P

I like VGs better though. =X

/mourn Mr. Krinkles
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
FrenZieD*ShoGuN said:
Those people sayin its not my style are Liars Yuo dont know what is a vice.
That is pretty dam garbled.... ok, so i think you said
"Those people saying its not my style are liars, you dont know that it is a vice."
If that is correct than i must assume you directed that comment to me and therefore i say
"What YOU dont know is who i am, and what ive done, ive smoked, and i hated it, it wasnt my kind of thing, ie: not my style"
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
This isn't a funny topic to discuss. I've already gone through second hand smoking because of my dad. People just smoke because they have nothing better to do or they think they're cool. Well guess what? Go with your own meaning of cool and stay off. It's bad enough there's enough people who smoke.

For those who smoke, please get another drug. MMORPGs anyone? I already have my anti-drug:


There better now? Don't post if you're that immature.
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
*Trust the Gull....*
(ie: hes right, about the topic and WoW :), but not about being an anit-drug, about it being good)
Level 4
Jan 9, 2005
grr... a few days and still I'm the only person that admits i smoke...
anyways someone up there made a good point its not the "lookin cool" factor with me... its more the "I've got nothing better to do, I'm addicted, and i don't care about what people think" :p
and anyways i'm more likely to die from clogged arteries and heart attacks... those things run in my family so sorry for those of you waiting for me to have lung cancer.

on a side note yeah... that finger was real... but i cant use it as an argument anymore :(
The judge set a May 18 hearing in the case to review whether to lower Ayala’s $500,000 bail.
in fact they should raise it to a few mil for making me post like this :roll:
but yeah, its been all over the radio today that the finger belonged to a friend of her husband who works construction. grr...
Level 2
Nov 2, 2004
ive been smokeing for about a year now. my advice to everyone. dont smoke. its a disgusting habit. cigaretts taste of of rotting meat. the smell of cigars will linger for litteraly weeks, and rollies smell none to pleasent either.

however, to all of you who who say youll never smoke. there is no harm in trying it once. its chemicaly impossable to get addicted after one puff. aside from the smell, theres no downside to having one smoke. (unless of course your afriad youll like it)

and to the retard that said everyone starts smokeing to look "cool" (god i hate it when people use that word). i started smokeing when i was 18, only due to the stress of takeing my A2 exams. there are a lot of reasons why people start smokeing. it tends to be the children that start for the childish reasons (no supprise there) but most adults who smoke began for valid reason

persoanly, i now hate it, and wish i had the patiance to quit. however, when i first began, it was my choise to put the feeling i got from smokeing above the last 10 years of my life. but be warned, that feeling disapears all to quickly, and is replaces by a repatative nausia
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
lorothrigs said:
smoking is gea, it makes u get cancer, **** breath, yellow teeth, and its just NOT COOL

Argh! *@#% you lorothrigs, you're really asking for ban with thread revival. And I'm being serious.
Level 2
Nov 2, 2004
lorothrigs said:
smoking is gea, it makes u get cancer

no, it only increases your risk of cancer. it is possable (and has happened) to smoke 60 a day for the majoraty of your life, and never develop cancer. its just unlikely

lorothrigs said:
**** breath, yellow teeth, and its just NOT COOL

then perhaps some smokers just arnt concrned with others opionions of their physical appearances

personaly, id feel quite ashamed if anyone used such a childish word as "cool" to describe me. therefor this is one of smokeings few upsides from my perspective
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