I think you´ll think i want steal credits but i made this map with my friend Bobbieder2 ( not the last level but all other levels including the cinematic) All what orkyboy did was he made the last level and that is the most sucking lvl in the map...so all that happend becouse me and my friend idnt played wc3 for a month..orkyboy was in earlier times a friend of mine so he had a test version..it was almost finished and he finished it when i didnt played wc3 then i played wc3 again.. Orkyboy said he finished my map..that was
hard for me and i telled it to him but the hardest was he replaced all names in the map with his ( he didnt tell me ) after this orkyboy ignored me...
And what is more incridible then all for me he didnt give any credits for us !
Incredible story i think a friend finsihed your map, took all credits and never talked to you again.
I am very angry about this ! I hope orkyboy will read this..i can´t give comments to my own map so..maybe this was spam some people migh think, but what this story should tell you is :
ORKYBOY IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: (my english isnt that good)