A Terrain Making Partner

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Level 5
Jun 30, 2005
Well as some of you may know me and Blargel are partners now and make spells, movies, maps, etc... We are looking for a third person for our team who can make terrain. Blargel cant make terrain at all and mine sucks. So if you wish to join our mini group feel free to pm or reply.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
i'd like to say that i can terrain but i'm never sure that i like what i produce. also, i have a friend who just pwns terraining with a large spiky mace and/or pineapple, but he doesn't know about this site and may or may not get into a big project since he has me doing triggering/units for one of his.
his terrain is beautiful tho, no doubt about it.
Level 2
Nov 4, 2005
First of all, I'd like to say that I know how to terrain, despite what vegeta says. Just not very well; I think I'm about as good as he is <_<.

Anyway, I'd be great if you can get your friend to help us, but if that's not possible, you'd probably do better than both of us combined.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
lol i could post the map that I have that disconnects before you load as kind of a showcase and to get people to help with it, but A) it doesn't work so it would probably get taken off and B) it's kind of like x hero seige as far as the game concept so terrain isn't too special. i'll see what i can do about my friend tho.
*Edit: it disconnects while you're loading >_> my mistake
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