8-Player Co-op Campaign: The Scourge of Lordaeron (RoC Human)

8-Player Co-op Campaign

The Scourge of Lordaeron

The complete Reign of Chaos Human campaign, adjusted to support up to 8 players.

RoC Human: The Scourge of Lordaeron
RoC Undead: Path of the Damned
RoC Orc: The Invasion of Kalimdor
RoC Night Elf: Eternity's End

How does it work?
Players in this campaign share a single base. They are able to use each other's Barracks, Altars, Arcane Sanctums, and Workshops to produce units. Any research they complete is applied to all players.

To harvest resources, players simply harvest lumber as usual, or manually use their Peasants' "Harvest Gold" ability to give the Peasant to the targeted gold mine. All resources are split equally between all players when harvested.

Everyone who is not playing as a plot-critical hero (Arthas, Jaina, Muradin) is able to choose a custom hero from the Altar of Kings to lead their own army.* The maximum size of each person's army depends on how many people are playing, as they split a pool of 100 food between them. Four players would each have a food cap of 25.

*except in Dissension, where two players are Arthas and Muradin, and everyone else plays the mercenaries

This campaign can be played in Classic or Reforged graphics.


How hard is it?
At the start of each mission, players vote for Normal or Hard difficulty. Normal mode uses Blizzard's hard difficulty as a base, and then makes a little bit harder for every player in the game. Hard mode adds additional enemy defenders and stronger / more frequent attack waves.

Should this really be played with eight people?
It doesn't require eight people. It all depends on how much chaos you want. Personally, I think about four is a good balance, but the maps can handle any number. In fact, if you wanted to play with even more people, all you would have to do is open some more slots in the map editor and place their starting locations, and all the triggers should automatically work with as many players as you cram in between the AI factions.


What in-game commands are available?
"-cam ####" or "-zoom ####" will adjust the camera.
"[Escape]" to vote to skip a cutscene.
"-votekick" will bring up a dialog box to select a player, and everyone can vote.



8P Campaign: Human 01 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 02 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 02 Interlude (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 03 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 04 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 05 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 05 Interlude (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 06 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 06 Interlude (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 07 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 08 (Map)

8P Campaign: Human 09 (Map)

There might not be much novelty or game enhancement other than playing classic Warcraft III with more heroes and friends but I can see this being a truly nice experience. However, you should either find suitable hero models or add hero glow to those...
Level 1
Jan 27, 2022
I really liked the way this map was made. Can't wait for other campaigns to come out. If you accept suggestion. I would like to suggest doing a direct transfer of items through the levels. I understand that this is difficult to implement, but it would be very cool to see. Even if there is another type of tranfer now,(when starting a mission, some items are automatically given to the player according to level as a sphere of fire from mission 2 to mission 3) some items are missing. Another thing I would like to suggest to implement is a way to play as all 8 players via bots but this is not required.
Level 9
Dec 31, 2016
Here are some issues I've come across:

In chapter 3, only one player can choose a hero from the altar, then the altar disapears.

Some things are not shared, for example I was playing as blue in chapter 4 and some other player built workshop and it didnt unlock for me.

When a player leaves the food cap increase is not directly changed, you have to build another farm to increase it, for example when you have 14 food max and then you can have 16 food, you have to build another farm even if you already support up to 20 food.

Also it would be nice to be able to share buildings just like the towers. Or make some kind of option to do research in allies buildings. And shared food would be great too. Just one big communism sim. :grin:

Increase the difficulty at some parts, we were playing at 8 ppl and some parts and chapters were really challenging (which is good as for myself), some others too easy. I can give you my ideas and elaborate more on this if you're interested. I have quite a few things to share on this.

And I suggest to make some kind of kick command because of trolls.

Otherwise great idea and take on the campaign we really enjoyed it. Looking forward for the next one.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2010
Here are some issues I've come across:

In chapter 3, only one player can choose a hero from the altar, then the altar disapears.

Some things are not shared, for example I was playing as blue in chapter 4 and some other player built workshop and it didnt unlock for me.

When a player leaves the food cap increase is not directly changed, you have to build another farm to increase it, for example when you have 14 food max and then you can have 16 food, you have to build another farm even if you already support up to 20 food.

Also it would be nice to be able to share buildings just like the towers. Or make some kind of option to do research in allies buildings. And shared food would be great too. Just one big communism sim. :grin:

Increase the difficulty at some parts, we were playing at 8 ppl and some parts and chapters were really challenging (which is good as for myself), some others too easy. I can give you my ideas and elaborate more on this if you're interested. I have quite a few things to share on this.

And I suggest to make some kind of kick command because of trolls.

Otherwise great idea and take on the campaign we really enjoyed it. Looking forward for the next one.
Thanks for the feedback.

Only one hero in chapter 3
I just put up a fixed map for this, changing the way the game checks how many players still need a hero.

Workshops not being shared
This seems to be a rare bug that I haven't been able to reproduce reliably. It seems like sometimes the game just hiccups and doesn't run the trigger properly. I just tried it in chapter 4 and it worked. A couple times I've seen it happen in a test, then restarted and did exactly the same steps, only for it to not happen the next time. No idea what's up with that, but I'm keeping an eye out as I go through the other campaigns.

Food not being updated
This is just a visual bug with Warcraft itself. The food is being updated immediately, it just doesn't show. If you train a unit while it "says" you're at max food, it'll still let you and it will update the counter at that point (or, as you said, if you build another farm). There's probably a work-around, but it's low priority right now since it's just visual.

Should be able to research at each other's buildings
Yes. I know a way I could make this work, but it's complicated. I may go through and allow that once I finish the rest of RoC.

Inconsistent difficulty
I'll take another look at this at some point. As with the last point, I want to finish the rest of RoC first.

Kick command
"-kick" or "-votekick" will bring up a menu to kick a player. Though I discovered that it doesn't properly trigger the "player left, give people their stuff" when you do that. I've fixed it in the Undead campaign I'm working on, and will go back through Human to change it after I finish that. (EDIT: Fixed.)

Undead campaign should be released sometime in the latter half of next week.
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Level 9
Jul 15, 2010
Can you prove that you are the author Ryan?
??? I don't know how someone would prove authorship of a Warcraft map. I don't protect my maps or anything. Only thing I could think of is the file creation dates of when I copied all the campaign AI scripts to a folder for editing.

EDIT: Or a screenshot from January 5th of an early version of mission 2, which was my testbed before I learned how to do the AI scripting. You can see two of the custom heroes.

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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
There might not be much novelty or game enhancement other than playing classic Warcraft III with more heroes and friends but I can see this being a truly nice experience.
However, you should either find suitable hero models or add hero glow to those who don't have any for proper immersion: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling


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Level 1
Oct 31, 2022
Made an account just to say definitely interested in the tft campaigns. My friends have loved playing through roc using your mods!
Level 1
Feb 20, 2023
I unzipped the w3m files into the Maps/Scenarios directory of my 1.27 game client. However, none of them show up in the map selection menu when I attempt to create a LAN game in either RoC or TFT. What am I doing wrong?
Level 1
Feb 20, 2023
Is 1.33 only available with reforged? I've done some quick looking online and found various articles from as soon as 2020 saying that 1.27 is still the latest patch for TFT.
Level 33
May 14, 2021
Is 1.33 only available with reforged? I've done some quick looking online and found various articles from as soon as 2020 saying that 1.27 is still the latest patch for TFT.
The criminal thing is that Hive doesn't change the "Recommended version" to 1.35, which is the latest one for Reforged.
Some maps that are made for Reforged now has been updated to be playable on very latest version of Reforged, which is 1.35.
1.35 is now required to play this map, but I'm not pretty sure if this version is compatible with this map since it's the most stable one for Reforged.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The criminal thing is that Hive doesn't change the "Recommended version" to 1.35, which is the latest one for Reforged.
Some maps that are made for Reforged now has been updated to be playable on very latest version of Reforged, which is 1.35.
1.35 is now required to play this map, but I'm not pretty sure if this version is compatible with this map since it's the most stable one for Reforged.
Sometimes, you'd want to be careful when using words like criminal as they might not always mean what you intend them to.
This campaign hasn't been updated since February 2022. 1.35 was released way after that period.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2010
v1.06 changes:
  • Converted economy system to match other campaigns, where players now assign their own peasants to gold/lumber instead of it being AI-controlled.
  • Peasants can now Call To Arms
  • Lumber Harvesting and Masonry upgrades now available
  • Added normal/hard mode difficulty vote at the start of each mission
  • Unit-producing structures no longer start with full unit charges when first built
  • Rebalanced missions, generally making them harder (on Hard mode)
  • Added hero glows to custom heroes
  • Corrected research prerequisites, and other minor bugfixes
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Level 3
Jan 5, 2024
Excellent campaign! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Played in a group of 3, me a veteran and 2 others playing Warcraft 3 for the first time. Hard Difficulty was challenging in a couple of missions but fun all around. Looking forward to playing the rest of the campaigns.

One note on the last mission, there were some dummy knight heroes belonging to the first player. Not sure what the deal is but thought it's worth a footnote
Level 9
Jul 15, 2010
Excellent campaign! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Played in a group of 3, me a veteran and 2 others playing Warcraft 3 for the first time. Hard Difficulty was challenging in a couple of missions but fun all around. Looking forward to playing the rest of the campaigns.

One note on the last mission, there were some dummy knight heroes belonging to the first player. Not sure what the deal is but thought it's worth a footnote
Thank you. The error in the last mission is now fixed.
Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
Are items not transferred to the next map?

I tested by playing as player 3 with two AIs in slot 1 and 2, and the Scroll of Protection that I had in my inventory at the end of Mission 1 was not in my inventory or anywhere I could see in Mission 2 after buyin the same hero from the Altar of Kings.

Very cool project. :cool:2
Level 9
Jul 15, 2010
Are items not transferred to the next map?

I tested by playing as player 3 with two AIs in slot 1 and 2, and the Scroll of Protection that I had in my inventory at the end of Mission 1 was not in my inventory or anywhere I could see in Mission 2 after buyin the same hero from the Altar of Kings.

Very cool project. :cool:2
There's no save/load system, so items aren't transferred. I manually put in the permanent items you likely got previously into each mission, but none of the consumables are brought forward that way.
Level 1
Sep 2, 2024
I wanted to know about Hero lvl Cap for other players, it get stuck at lvl 3? is that the intension? or am i missing something?