50mb map?? oh dear

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Level 3
Mar 2, 2009
ok by the title you obviously know the problem, how did this happen lol, any way im not gunna use all the imports that made 50mb but..I would like to use maybe 12mb of the stuff, i need to know what programs i would have to use to shrink blp and mdx files if its possible to do so, I dont need to shrink everything to fit battlenets max hosting limit, but enough to play this over lan at least
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
To play custom maps over LAN or Battle.net they have to be lower than 4 megabytes in size. Only single-player maps may be run while being larger than 4 mb.
To compress images you can use Wc3Image Extractor from Tools section. Or Warcraft 3 Viewer from Tools section.
You can compress models only by manually editing their model in a 3d modeling program.
Level 3
Mar 2, 2009
ah, thanx well I cant edit other peoples models, hmm, well the lan thing is a let down evan without any custom imprts the maps 3.1mb, well i think ill have to remove everything and only use the 100% needed to make it work things
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
That sounds very convincing. Don't use imports that you're sure you can live without them. For example sounds, music, models that are not so much needed.
It's a multiplayer map for a reason - it has to be low on size for everyone not to fell discomfort waiting 35 hours to download it at their dial-up Internet speed...
Level 11
May 11, 2008
To play custom maps over LAN or Battle.net they have to be lower than 4 megabytes in size. Only single-player maps may be run while being larger than 4 mb.
To compress images you can use Wc3Image Extractor from Tools section. Or Warcraft 3 Viewer from Tools section.
You can compress models only by manually editing their model in a 3d modeling program.

I'm not sure if you ever read the patch but it's 8 MB now not 4 MB.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
There's a lot of ways to reduce filesize, remove junk, compress music, compress models (requires author permission), use in game textures for models (again author's permission). Try replacing most of the units with regular WC3 units that's closely ressembles as the imported one. (Say you got a ninja model, well you could always use a Drenai Stalker, since he's stealth, and has melee weapons.
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