Okay buddy, let's go.
- First of all: terraining and minimap. Here, on Hive, minimap looks pretty nice, but ingame everything is much brighter, especially deep water around. And if we add FoW to it, everything starts to blend and is much harder do distinguish. Tried it in editor and solution is pretty easy: use darker tiles for deep water areas (Rough Dirt or Black Marble), water became darker and look better in minimap (and minimap only). Try it in editor and compare results.
Also trees could be little darked, because they blend with grass atm. Just use Ashenvale ones and switch skin to LS (or just make them darker in object editor, if your version do not support skin option). - Portals need different colors. Yeah, actual ones fit to map theme, but they are too similar to each other. They are neutral buildings, so it is fine for them to stand out from environment around. Also raise up them a bit to make them more visible.
- As for boat thing: I like the fact that you recycled some ideas ;-) To make transport ships even more funnier to use, make areas behind center mines and Goblin Shops able to reach by ships (same as you did for natural expos).
- I like creep choices, but they still could use some work, especially camp compositions and itemdrops. For example at natural expo (where is lvl15 camp, which could be too hard for first expo btw; have mercy for militia) there is combination of lvl5 Sasquatch and 2x lvl4 Trolls. It lacks the trully strongest unit that could stand out from the rest and drop main item (creeps strength is too similar). Maybe change lvl5 Sasquatch to lvl6 Sasquatch Oracle, and one of lvl4 Trolls to lvl3 Troll Traper? Overall camp strength will stay the same, but in the same time main item will be harder to snipe.
Also redistribute some itemdrops. If there is second drop (power-up for example), it should be dropped by second strongest unit (so if there is "empty" lvl4 Troll Berserker, no reason to put Tome at lvl2 Troll Priest). Again, it helps avoid easy item sniping. - Area around Mercenary Camps could use some work, there are too much chokes atm. Wisps hiding behind Merc Camps could be impossible to kill by fat melee units.
- I see no reason to change gold amount of every mine on the map. I propose you to keep 12500 everywhere, put more only at center mines.
- There is one wisp spot behind Goblin Shops and mines. Did not found other bugs.
- And for the end, crème de la crème: war boats. I like this easter egg, I am only not sure about placing them behind mainbase. Bandits can be lured to attack peons, also player cannot hide buildings behind mine, because they can be attacked by Frigate (which deal enormous amount of dmg btw). I think placing these ships only at the corners is enough. It will be still very brave addition