
  1. userid907

    [vJASS] Logic Challenge or Impossible?

    Iam trying to make a feature on my system that use hashtable, but i stuck when i got a problem, is this possible but hard, or impossible?, i've been trying much hard to solve. here is : static method getDataFromUnit takes unit un returns integer return LoadInteger(ht,2,???)...
  2. userid907

    [Solved] Unidentified Crash

    Hello hive, i've here again and ask for help again........ why i here is because my snippet is crashed when duration < 0 or when destroyed(?). i dont see a problem on static method periodic or on method onDestroy. i dont see anything wrong with my script. been on eye for 1 hour and still...
  3. D

    [Arena - Boss Battle] WoW : The Last Stand

    " Travel Through time and Fight the Most Powerfull Bosses in the History of World of Warcraft and be acknowledge as the Heroes of the Azeroth! " The Map Preview What is this? WoW : The Last Stand, is a Warcraft 3...