• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Cheshire

    need testers-feedback for altered melee

    hey all, looking for some feedback on this map. thanks!
  2. Cheshire

    need feedback on map layout

    hey all, I made this altered melee and would be happy to get some feedback on the functionality of the layout. other feedback will also be readily accepted. thanks!
  3. Blikunman

    LF Beta Testers - Castle Tactics

    Hey its Blikun, im presenting a nice auto-army tactical game [photo showcase soon] This map is based in an old Browser Flash Game called Miragine Wars (also in android) : Original game's video click here. Play the original game click here. If you want to help me test this map playing it...
  4. BotLoot

    Spellcraft Remastered 6.07 - Looking for Final Build Testers, Quality Assurance, Player Opinions

    EDIT2: Topic is mostly obsolete now. (1.Nov.2018) Hi, looking for people that would play and write something about (what you like or don´t like), This (clicky) map. Its a very unique project and it should be finally completed. I want to hear about bugs (if there are any left) balance, opinions...
  5. Nowow

    Test data needed

    Sorry for the down time, I've created an ai script which works like Illidan's ai from the last mission of the frozen throne, and it finally reached the debugging stage. If you have some spare time, play the map for a bit and see if you find anything strange in the blue player's behavior (and...
  6. Fruit Forest

    Need some tester.

    I need somebody to test the map and give suggestion about it. This campaign contains 1 intro, 1 chapter and 1 loading map (to restore the progress after a new patch)'][This campaign contains 1 intro, 1 chapter and 1 loading map (to restore the progress after a new patch. [Campaign] -...