
  1. Zenonoth

    [Campaign] The Dark Below

    "With the destruction of the Well of Eternity and the events that followed such as the great sundering, Queen Azshara has struck a bargain with the old god, N'Zoth to save her people from plunging into the depths of the sea at the cost of her people becoming the terrifying Naga, Azshara and her...
  2. Sapprine

    Respawn Mechanism

    I'm looking for someone who is able to make a 'not too complex' respawn mechanism for my map. These are the requirements the mechanism needs to have: - only respawns creatures while out of sight - Spawned creatures must be spawned with already implemented item drop tables - Mechanism must be...
  3. Sapprine

    [Campaign] I need feedback...

    My One Map Campaign called Founding A Nation is still in development and coming along nicely so far. Making this 256x256 campaign is tiresome work, especially because I'm doing this alone. But it is time I'm going to ask some feedback... Here are some Question Polls that you may answer by...
  4. Sapprine

    [Campaign] One map campaign

    I'm making an 256x256 barrens Orc Campaign starring: Thrall Hellscream, Cairne Bloodhoof, Vol'Jin, Gar'Thok and Naz'grel. Roughly 45% of the map has already been filled with beautiful valleys, Canyons, Chaotic Crevasses slicing true the desert, The grassy landscapes of Mulgore, Former Ogrimmar...
  5. Sapprine

    [Campaign] One map campaign

    I'm making an 256x256 barrens Orc Campaign starring: Thrall Hellscream, Cairne Bloodhoof, Vol'Jin, Gar'Thok and Naz'grel. Roughly 45% of the map has already been filled with beautiful valleys, Canyons, Chaotic Crevasses slicing true the desert, The grassy landscapes of Mulgore, Former Ogrimmar...