income trigger

  1. .DotQ


    income system that increases the income whenever units are sent to the enemy.
  2. .DotQ

    [Trigger] help me for income system syst

    Hello im about making a unit spawning in a area like the legion TD sending to the enemy which you send them so i want to put some income so they will spawn a unit in an area because the income increasing as you bought a unit to attack the enemy automatically. IMG_20200127_222432 by .DotQ posted...
  3. .DotQ

    [Trigger] INCOME SYSTEM

    Hello im about making a unit spawning in a area like the legion TD sending to the enemy which you send them so i want to put some income so they will spawn a unit in an area because the income increasing as you bought a unit to attack the enemy automatically. IMG_20200127_222432 by .DotQ posted...
  4. Moonbreakzor

    How to trigger income for specific units in a specific region?

    Hi there, This is my first post and I hope it's not a silly question. I've spent many hours trying to solve this trigger system. I've tried countless variations, which work more or less. But none like I want it to. I am trying to add a small income every 2 seconds for the player for each...
  5. InSaNe_97

    [Solved] Gold income units.

    I make this: "Money Events Time - Every 10.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Player - Add ((Number of living Sludge Minion units owned by Player 1 (Red))) to Player 1 (Red) Current gold" But I want make this: "Money Events Time - Every 10.00 seconds of game time Conditions...
  6. Adorm

    [Solved] Question about an Income Trigger

    Hey Guys, I'm developing a Map similar to the style of Maps such as Greece. Risk, and so forth and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to have an income system based on the number of acquired buildings. I've seen pseudo-code such as this obtained from How do you make buildings that generate...