
  1. FlameofChange

    Historical Units/buildings list

    Here we go. I'm making a AoE like map and i would like some specific models. If not specified, i would like team-color and proper death animation (by proper i mean at least existing) using if possible Vanilla textures. I don't want very realistic nor from-scratch animations (i precise sometime...
  2. FlameofChange

    [Altered Melee] Age of Humanity (AoE like map)

    Hello there, and welcome to the main topic of my map Age of Humanity. It's a constant WiP map still in a prototypical state but fully playable and functional. Age of Humanity can be defined as a tribute to all of the Age of Empires-like games : Age of Empires, Empire Earth, Age of...
  3. SNIper of DARKness

    [Strategy / Risk] Crusade over Europe

    '][/URL] by S02 Introduction Crusade over Europe is a Medieval themed Grand Strategy map that beside featuring the ordinarily found medieval arsenal and equipment will also have as a key element a Religion system which will contain Crusades and Jihads. Another key and distinct component...