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Royal Arena v0.91p

Royal Arena

Inspired by Spellcraft, Orc Gladiators, Heroic Town, The Arena and Impossible Bosses

The objective is simple: you and your teammates survive in the arena for 30-50 (depending on difficulty) rounds.
The special? You craft your own spells out of the random elements which drop each round.

Four normal creep rounds and every 5th is a boss level.
Boss fights are inspired (as listed before) by Heroic Town, The Arena and Impossible Bosses.
They are meant to be hard and challenging, in order for you & your team to work together.

The map is playable from 1 to 8 players (difficulty scales with players). But I recommend 4-6 (without leavers).

The map is playable in both, classic and reforged (as you can see from the videos below). Props to xWizardOnYT for hosting & streaming my map 😉.

Credit list is not complete. I might do so when I find the motivation for it. Keep the map as substandard if you'd like.
RoarCaster by JetFangInferno
BTNAbility_BackStab by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNcrossbowGS by GooS
BTNThrowingKnives by -Berz-
VoodooAura by JetFangInferno
SentryWard by alfredx_sotn
BTNDarkSteelSword by kola
BTNDeathCoil by -Berz-
BTNSphereOfDarkness by 8512590215848
human-tooltip-border.blp by Zeatherann
ShadowInfernal by Necromancer_187
BTNArcaneProtection by Hellx-Magnus
Rain of Fel Fire by Zephyrius2412
Magelight by Blood Raven
WaterElemental by alfredx_sotn
Runestone Battlestaff by Blood Raven
Dungeonmaster UI by Kwaliti
BTNToxicDagger by NFWar
Either or all of the following:
Unholy Presence by Champara Bros
Channeling by Boogles
BTNStaffTwistedTwinDragon by stonneash
Enchanter by Sliph-M
Eredar Witch by FerSZ
BTNOrbOfLightningOrange by abcdefghstuvwxy
BTNSandStorm by Juice_F
Blood Beetle by Kenntaur
Retribution by Kuhneghetz
BTNPlateArmor by NFWar
Voidfall by Vinz
Battle Cry by Battle Cry, Infrisios
BTNLigtntingShockWave by Blizzard Entertainment, Praytic
DarknessMeteor by nGy
Guard_Armor_Stormwind by paladinjst
BTNElektroShock by -Berz-
Either or all of the following:
BTNElementalSpirit by 8512590215848
Magic Bolt by Champara Bros
Death Knight by CloudWolf
Runestone Helmet by Blood Raven
RPGHero_by67chrome.blp by 67chrome
Mithril Sword by Sunchips
Black Steel Breastplate + Pauldrons by InfernalTater
Doomtarget_purple by The Witch King
BTNRecipe by kola
Icecrown Overlord by General Frank
Staff of Ages by Usedwell
WispExplode by JetFangInferno
BTNStarsYellow by FrIkY
BTNBarVillager by Heinvers
BTNWarCry by 8512590215848
BlightwalkerAura by Mainy, War_Golum
Either or all of the following:
Dark Malice by 00110000
Medieval Villager by Tails96
BTNDestroyerFaceGuard by UgoUgo
Felucian Flora by Fingolfin
Shining Flare by Vinz
BTNNatureTornado by kola
BTNLeatherArmor by NFWar
Starfall Missile by Pyritie
IcyVolcanoes by s4nji
Runestone Shield by Blood Raven
Either or all of the following:
NagaBirth by JetFangInferno
BTNArcaneStaff by Mainy, War_Golum
BTNManaPotion by NFWar
BTNFireIceAttack by The Panda
Bardiche by Sunchips
Lordaeron Summer Doodads by 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ, Blizzard Entertainment
Blacksmith by Sliph-M
Chakram by AlienAtSystem
Stomp by nGy
Sin'dorei UI by I3lackDeath by I3lackDeath
Mage Orb by Darkfang
Shadow Strike Upgraded by JesusHipster
Zelda.blp by Caeyra
BluefireBolt by UgoUgo
Psionic Shots by Vinz
BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_09 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Simple Hood by imforfun
BTNArcaneArrow by Darkfang
FarseerMissile by abcdefghstuvwxy
BTNBoots by Blaxor
Either or all of the following:
BTNRedwoodBow by Blood Raven
BTNINV_Jewelry_Ring_14 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Wind Elemental by icewolf055
HydraCorrosiveGroundEffectV054 by kellym0
BTNSphereOfFire by 8512590215848
CheapStandardBow by Uncle Fester
BTNDarkNova by NFWar
Either or all of the following:
Lightning Elemental by Tarrasque
BTNGnollCrossbows by Blood Raven
Frozen Orb by Daelin
BTNMultyArrows by Juice_F
BTNArcaneFlames by PrinceYaser
ShockwaveMissile by Callahan
Void Teleport by Vinz
Holy Stone Missile v1.3 by HammerFist132
Either or all of the following:
ShadowElemental by icewolf055
BTNBattlemageArmor by NFWar
BTNVoidwalker by morbent
Demonic Smash by JesusHipster
BTNHauntedSwordIcon by chilla_killa
BTNMulti2 by oddsocks
BTNCancelCommandButton by Moy
BTNHowlOfTerrorV2 by The_Silent
BTNMarineArmor by The_Silent
Crystal Impale Hit by Marcelo Hossomi
BTNTomeOWonders by lllLSDlll
Void Missiles by Vinz
Burning Core by crill-myster
Core Hound by Explobomb
BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_10 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNFreezingHotCloak by Moy
BTNHolyBomb by Juice_F
Either or all of the following:
Twilight Incinerate by Zephyrius2412
BTNWindShield by Darkfang
Lightning Bolt by Champara Bros
BTNTomeGreen by Grunts_Fadora
BreathOfFireDamage by JetFangInferno
ManaWard by PrMosquito
BTNAngelicShield by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Pine (Variation 3) by Fingolfin
BreathOfFireDamage by JetFangInferno
BlackSmokeMissile by Iyzz_Fryzz
BTNShuriken by tjordell
BTNNatureStaff by PrinceYaser
Frosty Crystal Drop by The_Spellweaver
Either or all of the following:
BTNPotionOfLife by Moy
Either or all of the following:
BTNSimpleBow by The Panda
Runestone Warhammer by Blood Raven
Soulfire Missile by Boogles
Lord of the Rings :: Elf Warrior by CloudWolf
Venomous Gale by JesusHipster
WaterEnchant by UgoUgo
BTNMysticPotion by 8512590215848
BTNBodilyBlessing by 8512590215848
ReturnedCaptain_by67chrome by 67chrome
Rampage by JesusHipster
SerpentWard by JetFangInferno
Wild Growth by Champara Bros
Either or all of the following:
UndeadMissleGreen by Power
BTNWaterOrb by Darkfang
Dathylos by infrenus
CrushingWaveMissile by JetFangInferno
BreathOfFireDamage by JetFangInferno
BTNSandalZ3 by NFWar
AnimateDeadTarget by JetFangInferno
BTNKingStrideAura by The Panda
BTNLionEmblem by Wildfire
Butterfly Barrage by 00110000
BTNPunish by 8512590215848
BTNTrack by kola
Vengeful Spirit by Rhapsodie
BTNINV_Helmet_21 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSteelPlateArmorFinal by Moy
BTNAbility_Gouge by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
InnerFireTarget by Storm_PCF
BTNNerubianScepter by Hellx-Magnus
Twilight by Usedwell
BTNManinBlack by yakonshus
Death Guard by CloudWolf
BTNSuperiorMageRobe by NFWar
BTNMoltenGiant by chr2
Magma Elemental TC by SuPa-
BTNManagloves by NFWar
Demonhunters' Warglaive (Missile-type) by xyzier_24
RoyalOrb by Mike
WarStompCaster by JetFangInferno
Fire Missiles by Vinz
BTNSpell_Holy_SealOfProtection by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Arrows / Spears by Naze
ToxicField by UgoUgo
Villager Female (Now De-Hooker-Fied!!!) by simkitty181
BTNRunestoneShield by Blood Raven
BTNrcgs by NFWar
BTNINV_ThrowingKnife_04 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNVillagerHero by Zeverens
Rain of Twilight Fire by Zephyrius2412
OrbOfLightning by UgoUgo
BTNMagmus by L_Lawliet
BTNWindsBow by Mc !
BTNHolyAurav2 by Moy
BTNButterFireFinal by Moy
Either or all of the following:
Infernal Gladiator Helmet by Blood Raven
Battle Cry Target by Battle Cry Target, Infrisios
Crossbow by ikillforeyou
BreathOfFireMissile by JetFangInferno
BTNSpell_Nature_NullifyDisease by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Ascension Revenant by Moy
OrbOfSeas by UgoUgo
Fire Low and Medium by Pyritie
Stalagmite Hit by CoffinPuppet
HydraLightingOrbGroundEffectV044 by kellym0
Btnwindboots by 8512590215848
BTNNightbreakerRing by PrinceYaser
Either or all of the following:
Magelight by Blood Raven
Black Steel Helmet (Teamcolored) by InfernalTater
BTNPlateArmor by NFWar
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury by chilla_killa by chilla_killa
BreathOfFireDamage by JetFangInferno
BTNRoguesGauntlets by NFWar
DUMMY by Grey Knight
AIilTarget by JetFangInferno
BTNArcaneBlast by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNcheck by Lockheart
BTNSpell_Holy_BlessingOfProtection by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Nature_ResistNature by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNNeverMeltingCrown by Moy
IceSlam by valkemiere
WispExplode by JetFangInferno
WaterTemple Keeper by icewolf055
Heal by Vinz
Either or all of the following:
Blizzard Missile by s4nji
BTNGauntlets_Of_Might by Gwen Stefani
BTNShpereOfVoid by 8512590215848
WindElemental by icewolf055
Thunder of Caradhras by Vinz
Either or all of the following:
BTNRunestoneBattlestaff by Blood Raven
BTNSearingShower by PrinceYaser
BreathOfFireMissile by JetFangInferno
Naked Lightning Elemental by Tarrasque
BTNRunestoneBreastplate by Blood Raven
Earth Nova by JetFangInferno
Firequeen Ring by Darkfang
Holy Light by Vinz
Magic Aura 01 by CreatorD3292
DarthRune by ChaoticHunter
Ice Impale by Darkfang
MeteorStrike by UgoUgo
Either or all of the following:
Generators by Tranquil
BTNRomanHelmet by PrinceYaser
Either or all of the following:
BTNMightAxe by stonneash
ArcaneRocket_Projectile by sPy
PeeKay's PunishMissle Model by 8512590215848
Thunder Spear by Bloody_Turds
BannerGnoll1 by The Weird Human
Energy Shield by Champara Bros
WarStompCaster by JetFangInferno
Frost Missile by s4nji
Either or all of the following:
Halberd by Kitabatake
Progressbar V2 by JesusHipster
Holy Immolation by Zephyrius2412
BTNPotionOfChagrin by Marcos DAB
Either or all of the following:
Fire Wand by Sunchips by Sunchips
BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_09 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
MagicLightning_Aura by sPy
Toon Bash by Gamegear
BTNLeadership by viiva
Either or all of the following:
Bronze Dragon by Pinachet
Holy_Fire_Slam by ratamahatta
DarkShield by JetFangInferno
Either or all of the following:
BTNANAWaterShockwave by Anachron
DarknessBomb by nGy
FrostRevenant by WhiteDeath
Radiance by Vinz
Alchemist by Sliph-M
BTNVillagerMaleGrey by graystuff111
BTNElderBlood by morbent
Black Platemail by Blood Raven
Either or all of the following:
BTNSpikedPlate by Marcos DAB
Divine Edict by Vinz
Either or all of the following:
Mantle of Divinity by Sunchips by Sunchips
Benefic Aura by Daelin
Pine (Variation 1) by Fingolfin
BTNTomeRed by Grunts_Fadora
BreathOfFireDamage by JetFangInferno
Great Elementals by Himperion
BTNRunestoneHelmet by Blood Raven
ShimmeringPortal by JetFangInferno
BTNShieldElvenBearMark by BlackDoom
Mail Armor by Sunchips
AncientProtectorMissile by Callahan
orbe5 by Bloodslaughter
Fel Incinerate by Zephyrius2412
Basic Bow by KayS
Stained Glass Adventurer UI by Naze
Royal Queen by Kuhneghetz
Heart Amulet by Sin'dorei300
Liberty by Vinz
BTNBloodLustAmulet by The Panda
BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Either or all of the following:
Runestone Breastplate by Blood Raven
Either or all of the following:
BTNMagicShield1Small by Marenko
CallOfAggression by JesusHipster
Cold Buff by dhguardianes
Water Blast by JesusHipster
RejuvenationTarget by Metal_Sonic
Selection Circles v1.50 by Avatars Lord
Great Sword by Blood Raven
CrushingWaveDamage by JetFangInferno
Annihilation [2 parts] - SFX Contest 5 Submission by JetFangInferno
Quest Mark Disabled 1 by ManooT
CrushingWaveMissile by JetFangInferno
BTNDarkHole by The Panda
AncientProtectorMissile by Callahan
Skeleton Firemage by HappyTauren
Shrine of the Deathwalker by Thrikodius
BladeStorm by JetFangInferno
BTNRoyalArmor by 8512590215848
Light Nova by JetFangInferno
GreatElderHydraLightningOrbV.107 by kellym0
Bowyer by Sliph-M
BTNFireIcePendant by Moy
Birch (variation 3) by Fingolfin
Balrog Of Moria by Sellenisko
BTNRing by Moy
BTNDeathPulse by -Berz-
Royal Cloak by Dionesiist
Dalaran Brilliance by CeDiL
Iron Longsword by Sunchips
Darkguard by Blood Raven
NagaBirth by JetFangInferno
red thunder clap by DCrimson
BTNINV_Chest_Chain_17 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Damnation by Vinz
Either or all of the following:
ShadowAssault by UgoUgo
BTNSolarFlareFinalQualityUpdate by Moy
Manatap Aura by Daelin
ElvenRangerBow by Uncle Fester
HighElfArcherV.2 by Himperion
Tide Surge by 00110000
Sacred Shield by Shyster
Deathfire_Projectile by sPy
Lifebloom by Champara Bros
BTNReplicate by 4eNNightmare
OrbOfFire by UgoUgo
BTNManaWard by PrMosquito
BTNRunestoneWarhammer by Blood Raven
BTNLust by Sin'dorei300
Cannonball by Vinz
eyebeam by EdwardSwolenToe
HeroGlow by assasin_lord
BTNNFHelmet03 by NFWar
BTNCeremonialSword by NFWar
BTNPaladinTome by lllLSDlll
Gorodin Faceguard by Solu9
BTNuncheck by Lockheart
Emerald Blade by Emerald Blade, Kitabatake
BTNMoonAmulet by Sin'dorei300
Either or all of the following:
BTNChainArmor02 by NFWar
Either or all of the following:
BTNINV_Wand_11 by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
Orb of Water by General Frank
AbyssShade by EvilCryptLord
Blue glaive by Chuchurute
Either or all of the following:
Simple Cape by imforfun
RagnarosMinion by Sin'dorei300
Destroyer FaceGuard by Usedwell
Angel by expresso, Tranquil
InfernalBirth by Dark Hunter1357
Lightning Nova by dhguardianes
Either or all of the following:
PoisonStingTarget by JetFangInferno
VrykulLamp by Sellenisko
Stalagmite by CoffinPuppet
Frost Arrows by Vinz
Desecrate - SFX Contest 5 Submission by JetFangInferno
Cosmic Touch by Daelin
ShadePossessionMissle by EvilCryptLord
Burning Rage by Vinz
Conflagrate by Vinz
TornadoMissile by BurninRose
Cooling Barrel by Blood Raven
Mur'gul Warlock by Direfury, KILLCIDE, Mr.Goblin
CommandAura by JetFangInferno
Nature Staff by Blood Raven
Inquisitor by FerSZ
BTNRunestoneLongbow by Blood Raven
VampiricAuraTarget by JetFangInferno
WaterElemental by alfredx_sotn
Either or all of the following:
Either or all of the following:
Either or all of the following:
First Aid Effect by stan0033

The loadingscreen is from God of War 3 - all rights belong to Game Star

Additional Info
My english hasn't been very good when I've started developping this map. So some of the descriptions are a bit off. Nontheless I have never met anyone not understanding what should be understood.
It's also not a final version. There are still a few flaws and unbalanced abilities. Also I still got plenty of ideas of what to change or add (but not the time to do so). Yet it's far from being a beta version. Thought, the later levels (which are only available on the hardest difficulties) aren't tested really. But I doubt there is a need to do so, as I haven't seen anyone beating the map above average without cheating.

The map is unprotected and I do not care if you edit it. As long as you improve the map. If you don't see me doing any changes on it for over a year, I grant permission to continue/edit the map under the same name. Otherwise publish the map under a different name.

I'm open for feedback and suggestions but please, don't be too harsh with me. This is neither my job nor do I earn any money by doing so (as most of us don't), and if you criticize me too much I might just lose any motivation to provide good content.

Anyway have fun playing! 😌:vw_love:

uploaded on the Hive
a credit list can be found in the map (F9) or if you open it in the WorldEditor

Royal Arena v0.91p (Map)

Stuff like Just another ****** Crit should have passive looking icons since they're not active spells or anything. Could make them with: Button Manager v1.8.2 Healing Wave and Berserk were both on hotkey E although the first was on the first spell...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Stuff like Just another ****** Crit should have passive looking icons since they're not active spells or anything. Could make them with: Button Manager v1.8.2
Healing Wave and Berserk were both on hotkey E although the first was on the first spell spot and the second right under Hold Position. Played with the Monk.
Can't have more than 5 abilities at a time but then there remains an empty spot.

A regular hero-arena defense map with some nice systems.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Level 5
Oct 4, 2016
Hey, thank you for your review!

To your points
  • I agree with the icons, they should (and will) be passive.
  • Colliding hotkeys: I didn't find a proper way to avoid this since I cannot predict which abilities you'll pick.
    A solution would be to make 5 different abilities (each with different hotkeys) for each ability. Which seems like too much work.
    I'm still hoping that blizzard will implement a way to alter the hotkeys.
  • Why 5 abilities: because the amount of rounds is 5 * n, where n is the max. ability level. With 6 abilities you could either not max all your abilities or I could change the amount of rounds per difficulty to something like 30/36/42/48/54. But then there are too many creep rounds and bosses every 6th is meh. Maybe i'll find a propoer solution for this.
Ty for your feedback!