When I saw the picture of the molemen's planning-map afterwards, I hurried to the other border of Un'goro where I found out that the exact same thing

When I saw the picture of the molemen's planning-map afterwards, I hurried to the other border of Un'goro where I found out that the exact same thing

:'( Poor Dwarves! Death to the Molemen!!!

I dunno why, but I take this attack personally! :O Maybe coz I like dwarves! or because they were innocents!
Likely cause they were innocent. It's not nice to harm the innocent.

I am proud I have killed so many moles xD
Yeah, it's awesome, sadly Peon Tugrak's appearance can't be changed by me since he's Wolfe's charachter.
No... <<>>

Yeah, he will come again... You shall find out what happened to him after SLA and Arachna travelled to Pandaria! You will also see what happened to the Orange Hawk Trolls. Also, Mr.Voodoo shall be seen again too :D Though much shall be flashback type things... since I was too lazy to do before... and I left you guys with a mystery!

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The Daily Peon (Social Group roleplay)
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