The Legends of Chimlandia - Forest Keeper

The Legends of Chimlandia - Forest Keeper

Emerald Forest and it’s mysterious keeper… You can read about Forest in comments!
How beautiful is the Emerald Forest, located on the Misty Islands! Despite the proximity of the human city and the gnoll camp, the Forest remained untouched: centuries-old pine trees, countless types of grasses, flowers, mosses and other plants... But it’s not difficult to notice a creature lurking in the bushes, similar to a revived pine cone... Is this good?..
Sweet forest! Seems civilized as it has a man made road and not path.
Thanks a lot! Oh, I honestly imagined that this was natural road made of natural small stones, it leads to a mountain range; but further in the forest there are still many overgrown paths :peasant-smile:

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