Overpowered Yamato

In 0.80 you can improve the strength of yamato cannon.

Overpowered Yamato In 0.80 you can improve the strength of yamato cannon.

  • TKF
Your cruiser must have the Anti-Matter Core upgrade, and then the yamato cannon can be overcharged.
hmm well that's the only reason why to use anti-matter core... besides energy... well you could add some kind of anti-matter drive , special missile or idk ... well just make all consoles to be good and comparable to others. I hate replicator now since it kills the core... well i gota test how much it does else ill never use it again xD. Btw make some triggers that forces everyone to get pilots fighters armed, because mostly noone ever does it even if you yell or be nice and still nothing.
The anti matter panel have a few high energy cost abilities. Shield teraflopping could be very useful in combat. It's not just only for the yamato cannon.

Replicator doesn't kill the core. If it does in 0.85 let me know.

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