• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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at 12:00 am in the ashenvale forest,peon error_peon(my partner) walk through the forest  and found his lost dog,do-dad at the horde old house in the r

at 12:00 am in the ashenvale forest,peon error_peon(my partner) walk through the forest and found his lost dog,do-dad at the horde old house in the r

You need more variation in the Tile-set, all i see on this picture is i type of flooring, Grass, you should mix that up a bit, maybe add a dirt path leading toward the house. Also, you need to have more Height variation in the floor, it looks flat.
But other than them two points, it looks okay.
Nice Work!!! The UTM Map did the trick huh? Well just as xDeathKnightx said you gotta be creative on those tiles, but all the rest is still awesome. Oh theres one more thing about Daily Peon, they make their captions more like newspaper articles.

Example: "This Peon (insert any name here) reporting at (insert place here) and
around 12:00 in the afternoon this peon found his lost dog name toodles after searching him on a rainy night"
thanks :) yeah i'm going to make the new one with tile variation.and ok i will turn the caption more like newspaper articles

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