Alert! The observatory has detected a mole-forces heading towards our islands! And SW2 is busy with his civil war. It's our goblin job to deal with th

Alert! The observatory has detected a mole-forces heading towards our islands! And SW2 is busy with his civil war. It's our goblin job to deal with th

Blow the shit out of them. It would be funny if they attack the city of water. Because it is directly impossible for land dwellers to get there. As it is underwater XD
You have an underwater city too? OO
Okay this is getting way too random...

Anyway a mole-forces? Its either a mole force or mole forces
Yeah Al I do remember my draconians and Nagamen! They live underwater.
Plus The Mole Forces won't be able to breach the primeter thanks to my dragons :)
1.Since when do you have an underwater city? Oo
2.Dude cities have a tendency to stand on the ground. Even underwater. Moles may just dig it up to there and then use their mechs to destroy you
Mole force. My mistake.
Bah ... come on the undeground is ... undergorund. They are preparing to land on random islands. We are ready to defend the forge. U deal with the rest. I have a feeling that they did not come unprepared against dragons and zeppelins this time.

I dont like the underground city and imba-ultra-cool guardians or dragons, too ....
I prefer balanced battles!

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